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MCPO Mayh3m

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Everything posted by MCPO Mayh3m

  1. If you don't talk to your athletes about steroids, then who will?

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Cats take priority. Sorry.

  2. I came up with the original mafia logo tho. Anyways. I'll take mafia 11 for hosting purposes.
  3. Yes, and also the nature of the posts and how they are tempered towards other members. This warning is for all members posting in this topic.
  4. Alright time to step in... -puts on coat- Staff Response This topic is getting a bit out of hand. Please make sure that you are able to respond in a decent manner. If the posts continue on in the pattern they have been going lately, this topic will be locked.
  5. There is always hope.

    1. E-Runner


      I love Aragorn. He makes every king from the Hobbit look like a degenerate lol.

    2. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

    3. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      Hope is always there though.

  6. That was a tough game. O.o

    1. GermanShepherdD
    2. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      New England Vs. Baltimore

    3. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      Yeah it was but hey the Pats still won :D

  7. No worries man! Welcome to the forum! I'll go ahead and lock this topic as I see you've already made a new one.
  8. Welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy it here! I am sure you will get along with everyone here just fine. If you have any questions feel free to ask!
  9. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/39260-rsr-rules-churchy-drools/ Good?
  10. A Poem for RSR... Early in the morn, I yearn for his blessings Late in the eve, his presence.... overwhelming He reaches far beyond, where humans only to dare To the stars and afar, RSR is is the lone glare He basks in awe and glory, while everyone tries to compare He makes the hearts of lowly, wish they were the heirs His tears are that of honey, sweeter than the moon He gives hope to the blind, when none else came so soon I love RSR, his beauty is far above... When Church tries to be him, he falters like a burning farm There is none like him, Church can not compare RSR in glory, and Church is in despair I ♥ you RSR.
  11. :( it was only a dare... :'(
  12. Caboose is always like that.
  13. Thanks for stickin around! I remember when i asked if i could call you Ash. That was back when you were a greenie. ♡♡♡
  14. I gots no pm. Detective investigate me plz.
  15. 12! TB12 baby! Where are the roles located?
  16. If sniper uses his ultimate he could kill two mafians. Wait till after.
  17. Both Dares dun. Make a status describing your passion for unicorns.
  18. I am a huge Halo 2 and Halo 3 fan, I was not a big fan of the Halo Reach and 4 style, but honestly... this beta brings back the feel of Halo 2 and 3. Don't judge before you play the game. I wasn't sure of what the beta would be like with all the new features as I am a "no sprint/no AA" kind of player... but the features they added are actually very will implemented and I think you would also be pleasantly surprised if you gave it a chance... Also, as a community moderator on this forum, I hope you will re-consider using strong language in your posts. I know you are upset, but you can still express your frustrations without the use of censored words. We are all Halo fans here and we all have different tastes when it comes to Halo. You can kind of blame Bungie for that one...
  19. Actually. Have you played destiny? From what i hear, it disappoints as well. So saying Bungie would never screw up this bad is false. Ty. Also, regarding the bug you are facing... uninstall the beta, re-install, if you still have issues go main menu hit the menu list button and tap quit. It resents the app amd ive had to do that multiple times. Thats what I'd suggest. Anyone else? Please try to remain civil. I know not getting an answer can be frustrating, but i am glad you asked again to remind us. For the record we are not the actual 343, we are a community forum... so being civil is your best option when it comes to getting an answer.
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