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MCPO Mayh3m

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Everything posted by MCPO Mayh3m

  1. Boy do I miss her, but I am glad she is safe. ♥

  2. Halo has always had a title... Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3: Recon/ODST, Halo: Reach, Halo 4, Halo 5: Guardians. If you are referring to the extended title then I think it really doesn't matter does it? Halo: Reach was a prequel... and it was a decent Halo game. ODST, was different but consistent with the Halo theme, and Halo: CE, well... you get the point. So, I don't think it is really that much of a concern that they chose an extended title. If you notice the pattern, Halo games with extended titles are the games that really develop the story more. Halo: CE: Beginning of the story. Halo 3: ODST, explained what happened behind the scenes. Halo: Reach: Explained what happened before Halo: CE. So I am hoping that Halo 5: Guardians will do something similar for the story line.
  3. This is the part that sucks the most. :(

    1. Twinreaper


      running out of quarters for the massage bed? Or running out of ones during a really good XXX showing? What man what?!?

    2. Delpen9


      I know. Vacuuming the house really sucks.

    3. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      She came to visit for the week, and she just left to fly back home.

  4. Lets be honest here guys, we don't know if he is going to like Disney princess' or Blood, guts, and glory. The point I am making? We can't say whether he is friendly or not because we have no further information than the fact that it is indeed a guy. So, my answer is: It is dumb to speculate the position of the spartan not knowing the truth behind his character. So it is not important at this time.
  5. Why wait? You have Titanfall and many more exclusives for the Xbox One coming that look incredible! Also, 343 stated with the GUardians announcement that the Halo experience would continue this year... so a possible Halo game (H2A/Other) could be coming and could likely be available on the Xbox One. If it is a TV show, then who knows... it could be exclusive to Xbox One. Who knows. When Guardians comes out, there will likely be a legendary huge bundle you could purchase to make up for the lack of Halo styled Console.
  6. Gonna be inactive this week. My fiance is visiting for the week! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Delpen9


      ...but you didn't! yipee!

    3. Church


      That's not how you spell Fiancee.



    4. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      That's fun, Mayhem! Hope it goes well. :3

  7. So we finally meet the people who kill us when we jump off or out of the map?
  8. in regards to Halo 5: Guardians: The game will run "at 60 frames per second, on dedicated servers, with the scope, features and scale we've been dreaming of for more than a decade," and will also be powered by a new engine.

    1. chamberl005


      Please tell me it will also see the return of skill ranks that we've been dreaming of for more than half a decade!

    2. BeckoningZebra1
    3. Drizzy_Dan
  9. Looks like something from deviant art. But still nonetheless nice. Ancient Rome had already been done in Brotherhood so that confuses me as to why Rome is a possibility. Perhaps north Africa or something else where those colors would fit.
  10. I should hold a playdate and call it the Total MAYh3m event and hold it on May 30th or 31st lol

  11. Ben looks photoshopped... that or he bought one of those muscle costumes offline. But I do somewhat like that catman.. I mean batman... suit.
  12. We are not the official 343i website. We are a community forum which means we are just a ton of Halo fans talking about Halo things and playing Halo games. The website you are looking for is Halo Waypoint. You are more than welcome to hang out here though!
  13. If MS and 343 wanted to hit the reset button then they would likely do that. But they are not at that point yet I don't believe.
  14. As far as I know, no. All of your stats are recorded online, so even if you cleared your hard drive, your account would still have those stats assigned to them when you log back on. The only way to get a fresh start (that I am aware of) is by creating a new gamertag and playing on that. Someone can correct me if I am wrong though. I do understand your problem though; when I played Halo 3 it was the first game I played online and my K/D was terrible... I got really good at the game, but by the time I got close to finishing the game, I raised my K/D up from .60 to .98 (not 1.0 like I was hoping for). I wanted to reset my stats, but only way I could was to create a new account which I didn't want to do. So that is up to you, you can either keep your account, or create a new one for the sake of stats.
  15. To be honest, I actually experienced the same issues when I played through campaign. I just overlooked them as I figured the checkpoint just didn't save properly.
  16. In Halo 2 and 3 I believe, if you threw a grenade while dual wielding you would drop one of the weapons.
  17. To answer the question in the title: What will Halo 5 be? Real shocker here... Halo 5. It wont be Halo 3, it won't be Reach, heck... it won't even be Halo 4. Every Halo game we've had to date has been different. Whether good or bad, they have all been different. Me personally? I prefer the Halo 2/3 style.
  18. Moving to game invitations section.
  19. If it is a source to an article or news article then that is fine.
  20. MCPO Mayh3m

    10ethan copy

    From the album: Photoshop

  21. MCPO Mayh3m

    10ben copy

    From the album: Photoshop

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