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MCPO Mayh3m

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Everything posted by MCPO Mayh3m

  1. Err... hows this: EDIT: Crap... didn't realize you wanted other characters. I swear I thought he wanted just Connor. So if someone else wants to take a shot at it they can.
  2. I would really be interested in learning how to do this. What program are you using and how did you learn that?
  3. I would be cautious of those pics, Fracture and Angel City are two separate maps that are playable on the Beta. Not sure why they have that posted on every image. :3 Makes me wonder.
  4. I do want Halo 2 Anniversary on Xbox One. I also would like Halo CEA to be re-released on Xbox One.
  5. Lilsill. Don't leave brah. Everything Zag and Sparky said is exactly on point. People are idiots. You have to learn where to draw the line on the forums. Those people that did that is not everyone on the forum. It's only a small part. You don't have to like them, but they don't make the forums. Members like you do. Members that stand up for what's right. If this is the result of a clan, then they seriously need to be shut down. I will say this to EVERYONE: NO CLAN should make a member feel this way. NO MEMBER should do what has been done and act the way that certain have to cause issues like this. Anyone who has needs to check themselves. Anyone who has done this to a good member OWES it to him to apologize with no strings attached.
  6. It definitely looks interesting. If it plays similar to L4D (meaning controls and such) then I will definitely have to give it a try.
  7. Connor Kenway is the single greatest guy ever!

  8. Anyone have a spare Xbox One Titanfall beta key? If so... I'd be interested. :3 lol

    1. Screech


      Try registering a second time... That's what I did and I got an email in a few hours. You're not missing out on anything right now, servers are down :/

    2. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      I sent in three different emails... no luck. :/


  9. Wish I had a Xbox One Titanfall beta key. :(

    1. The Stig

      The Stig

      I would give you mine... If I had one. :(

  10. Smart phones are selling for $800-$1000 (yes one did sell for 1k) on ebay... the reason? Flappy bird. OT: My high score is 25.. I don't play that much though.
  11. Can't wait for chapter three of "The Sniper of 343i.org"!

  12. MCPO Mayh3m

    ZagTF copy

    From the album: Photoshop

  13. MCPO Mayh3m

    ZebraSW copy

    From the album: Photoshop

  14. MCPO Mayh3m

    aquotesig copy

    From the album: Photoshop

  15. Conspiracy: Olympic Opening Ceremony in Sochi, Russia. The 5 stars each turn into a ring... however, the top right ring (red ring) fails to work. Prior to 1951, the official Olympic handbook stated that the Red ring represented the continent of America (North and South)... We all know Russia dose not get along with the USA that well... so what could this mean?

    1. Maestro


      Conspiracy Thread Part 3, let's make it happen.

  16. I believe that was for this topic only.
  17. Lets break this down shall we? ""Ill suggest it to you, because, telling you is something dictators like BeckoningZebra1 do" Right, because BZ1 is making everyone vote for him? "First of all, who is the current Member of the Month, a symbol of responsibility, maturity, and at the same time, comradery? That's right" Who was a past MoM with the same symbols that you essentially show? "Now, who starred in a violent movie infecting your children with sword swinging and shooting and flipping in the air doing crazy things? That's right BeckoningZebra1 did." you miss the moral of the story. You yourself play in a game where there are guns, knives, cannons, and as a pirate... you steal things. FACT! While as a Jedi Master, BZ1 fights for justice and would not tolerate stealing and killing just so you could get ahead. Everything BZ1 did was to protect the entire galaxy. "And who acts like a kind, nurturing father around the forums? Now, who let his own father-like figure be killed?" Twam, GSD, RSR, Drizzy. He didn't let his own father like figure be killed, if anything he was trying to prevent that from happening.
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