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MCPO Mayh3m

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Everything posted by MCPO Mayh3m

  1. Hello there. Enjoy yourself here.
  2. Do not follow one persons opinion, form your own. You are not a puppet, so do not act like one. #RandomThoughts

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Is not JL
    3. Vaulting♥Frog


      I am not a puppet. I am the puppeteer!

    4. Drizzy_Dan


      You're not my supervisor! (Archer reference)

  3. You already have my video, but just to make sure, here it is again... (plus it nets me a few extra views hehe) Also, nice set of rules you have there.
  4. Week remove one. 36. 2211.

  5. You are all being fooled. Your minds have been corrupted. Do you not see you are no longer focusing on the real issues at hand? The mind is an interesting thing... it could be your key...
  6. Technicalities.... BZ1 was one of the first to have 2 nominations (if not the first) AND thus is eligible as any new rules would have been added would go into place AFTER he had been nominated.
  7. Great job! Who is #2 going to be I wonder.... BZ1 is an excellent member.
  8. Come my apprentice. You have much to learn...
  9. I had the same bundle for the very same reasons. I bought an intercooler to keep it regulated and cooled down. Mine finally passed away in 2011, but thankfully I had a german replacement 360 Elite that we got on clearance. Right before we found out that we wee moving back to the USA, we knew that I couldnt' take it back... however we fond a guy selling his brand new Xbox 360 slim for about $100 below store bought price. Couldn't turn it down. It was in perfect condition, packaging was still great, and it had only been used once. Pretty much a perfectly new console. I still have it and it works great! But to answer the OP question, I never had my ELITE 360 overheat on me. I would suggest buying an intercooler so you can keep it cooled off on the inside. I highly recommend it.
  10. Firefight. Who doesn't like playing a couple of marines outmatched by all odds and still coming out on top?
  11. WARNING: ThIs is froME your own doIngS. beware... Some Have betrayed yOuR trusT.
  12. The Revolution.... it is coming. 221191856. remember that number.... it could save you.....
  13. I remember Twin posted something like this before. :3 Anyways, this is the pic I use for my background:
  14. Congrats to everyone who made the list. You all have done a great job at contributing to the forum and have done an excellent job at showing what good members look like. If you are not on this list, do not be discouraged, we had many names brought forward and we could only choose so many. Let this be motivation for you to be on the list next month! Show she whole forum why you deserve it!
  15. Sorry, but selling items via these forums is against the rules. On a different note, what are you studying in college? And... how are you liking your Xbox One?
  16. Perhaps it is in the last place you left it? :3 Anyways, have you checked your other game cases? Sometimes I tend to mix my discs because I don't want them to get scratched.... usually when I know I'll be playing that disc soon anyways.
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