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MCPO Mayh3m

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Everything posted by MCPO Mayh3m

  1. Let bygones be bygones.

  2. It is evident that aliens are quite bilingual... and possibly even multilingual. After all... they are supposed to be more advanced than Humans.
  3. It sucks being so close... but yet so far away.

  4. Do we have any access to the old original banner?

  5. Very nice find/discovery TDM! I especially like the BR skin... but maybe I am a bit biased?
  6. Yes! Definitely something I am looking forward to! I've been wanting to play the new Tomb Raider but haven't had the chance. Looking forward to playing it in the future on Xbox One.
  7. Halo. Xbox One. = Win.

  8. The Xbox One exclusive Titanfall has turned a lot of heads and is one of the most anticipated games for the console. The futuristic First Person Shooter is set to release on March 11th, of 2014. Check out the video IGN posted on the reasons they are excited for the new exclusive. 8 Reasons Why We're Excited for Titanfall "From jetpack mobility to the Smart Pistol, here are eight reasons why IGN staff members are excited to get their hands on Respawn's shooter." - IGN Video from: IGN
  9. We need some of these good articles for Xbox One to be promoted. Too much negativity on the news page. Just sayin.

  10. In a video posted by IGN, Major Nelson explains some of the smaller features you can use while using your Xbox One. Check out the video below! "Xbox Live's Major Nelson guides us through the best tips and tricks to using Xbox One." - IGN Posted by: IGN
  11. Incredible job. I completely enjoyed that. Thanks for posting CyReN!
  12. Halo 3: All map packs. So much value for some great maps. I have over 3k custom games as well. Assassins Creed Brotherhood: Map downloads. I did play the multiplayer a bit... but after that game I pretty much went back to Halo. Halo Reach: Various Map packs. Reach had a decent multiplayer, loadouts caused it to suffer... but it was still enjoyable. The Maw. The game is simple... but so much fun! Assassins Creed Revelations outfit: Ubisof posted a ton of codes on their facebook page at the time of E3. I wanted an outfit so bad that I pretty much camped in their comment section with my Xbox redeem code window open. It took like 10++ tries and I still missed out. They were giving out shirts as well... which I didn't want, so I kept trying but eventually gave up. I went on afterwards to re-dress my avatar and there it was: NEW Assassins Creed Ezio outfit! I was freaking out! I won!
  13. Haha, I saw you tweet this today. It gave a nice chuckle. I feel terrible for the guy, but honestly... it shows how careful you need to be when buying things from people online from eBay and other similar sites.
  14. Did you know that Total Mayh3m is my very first and only active Gamertag?
  15. Nice seeing Choot'em in the shoutbox today!

  16. Silence is golden... too bad gold is inflated. I'll take Duct tape... it's silver.

  17. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out...

  18. @Lil Dog, Nice post. That cover looks sweet.

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