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MCPO Mayh3m

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Everything posted by MCPO Mayh3m

  1. Don't give up! And it is Zebra and Mayh3m. It is just good campaign fun lol.
  2. FALSE PROMISES! Everyone Beware! "1 If you vote you get some sort of position at my side" He fails to tell you what kind of position you will have IF ANY at all!! The cookies he promises are just internet cookies! Not real cookies! Don't buy into this gimmick! He claims a Zebra can't be trusted, he CLEARLY never met Marty from Madagascar! Madman indeed! Beware voters! Don't fall victim!!
  3. Vice President, Co-President, Dual President. Whatever you wish to call it. I am here supporting and helping Zebra, and will help him with decisions if need be.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      No false promises! Everyone that has given us a nomination has received a liked post. You deliver false promises!

    3. Caboose The Ace
    4. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      What positions will people be given? You do not say what it is!

      How can a Zebra not be trusted when you certainly liked Marty?

      How do you trust the last car on a train? It simply can only go ONE Direction!

      How are you planning on supplying these free cookies and milk to your voters?!


  4. We currently have two nominations! Cooliest - Nominated Zebra on Page 1. Haloman2 - Nominated Total Mayh3m on page 2.
  5. It means your nomination/vote goes for me and Zebra as presidents. We will be working together as co-presidents here on the forum.
  6. You roll it pat it and mark it with a B (B for BAN) stuff it in the oven for AD and me....
  7. MCPO Mayh3m


    From the album: Photoshop

  8. BREAKING NEWS! Beckoningzebra1 and Total Mayh3m have confirmed that they are running together for president! Help us make history on the forum by voting for the first EVER DUAL Presidency! Help us make History and we will make this forum a better place!
  9. Looking for a nom. Here we go! Let the Legend guide you...

    1. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      The Ledgend thinks guidance is a crutch.

    2. Drizzy_Dan


      Ledgend... *facepalm* lol

    3. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      dizzy dan pls

      You know it's true.

  10. It would be fun to run... any noms? I will provide some nom noms to anyone who noms meh! I bring experience to the table when it comes to the forum and Halo. A vote for Mayh3m is a Vote for GREATNESS! FOR SPARTANSS!!!!!
  11. All hail the Moderator class of 2012! Congrats on Legendary Director. This guy and I were roomies in the Mod forum for a while. He was the party animal most of the time... but I won't go there. He and I both joined the team at the same time and both had our different ways of Moderating. It was great to serve with you 'D'. Welcome to paradise! We have all the beverages your heart could desire, from a hardy brewed ale to a simple soda, we have what you will be looking for.... as well as a long buffet filled with foods from all across the globe. (avoid the sushi, though, it's not real fish and the seaweed is questionable) Congrats man. ♥
  12. Quick conspiracy theory: Bungiw Sabotaged Halo with Reach (Adding AA's and such). If you don't remember, the competitive Halo community split when Reach was released. Half liked it and half did not. Half quit playing Halo. When Halo 4 was being developed, 343i essentially had to take the game from Bungie and go with it. This included Sprint and visual reticle bloom. Bungie notably did two Actions before Halo Reach was released: Remember the 'Destiny' Easter Egg in ODST? They stated that Reach was everything they ever wanted in Halo. Hmm... if they were already focused on Destiny back when ODST was released, that tells me that they knew that Halo wasn't coming with them when they left Microsoft, thus they did the unthinkable... adding aspects from other popular shooters to the game. This was new to Halo. After 4 solid and VERY successful games without these options they decide to add them right before they give the game up? The statement 'everything we wanted in a Halo game' is aimed at 343i, to influence them to pick up the torch and carry the 'improved' Halo to the next level. But like I said... its just a theory... and I'll probably get a lot of flak for believing this could have happened by all the Bungie supporters that are in awe of the company that could do no wrong because Destiny is being released and is the savior for games... related to... space........battles. hmm.
  13. It only takes one hole to sink a ship...

  14. We have a cancer upon us...

  15. Kinect is not just a device that makes the console run better, it also is a control for games as well. So you may not like it that much, but your kids may enjoy using it to play the kinds of games they like. (Using 'You' and 'your kids' loosely.. no just aimed at you). Kinect enhances your Xbox One, so they included it with the console so you get the full experience it can provide. PS4 makes you buy the camera separate if you want the full experience that the PS4 can give you. It is fairly convenient to. When you buy your PS4 and get it home and are wondering why certain features are not what you expected, then realize you need the camera... that is a bit of an inconvenience in my opinion. (For the record, it is used for motion sensing, social networking: "Social interactions are more personal with photo/video sharing." -Gamestop Product Description You get the Xbox One home, and it is all there.
  16. They also give you the option to not use it. You have it, but you don't have to use it.
  17. Good one. I was looking for a thread like this in the announcements area, but found none. I shall request this thread be locked.
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