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MCPO Mayh3m

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Everything posted by MCPO Mayh3m

  1. Some, meaning not all of them.. and the exclusives I listed.
  2. I will be gladly buying the Xbox One. They have patched some of the flaws and that makes it look even more appealing. Halo Ryse The Crew Titanfall AC Forza BF4 COD: Ghosts Destiny Just some of the titles, including exclusives that make me the most interested in Xbox One. I support Xbox One. I support Halo 5 I support 343 Industries.
  3. Halo needs to get back to it's roots... when the game was in it's prime. Get back to the hardcore competitive gameplay that made Halo what it is. revert forge back to the Halo 3 forge, remember foundry? Some of the greatest maps were built on Foundry. Onslaught being one of them. This new forge is, in my honest opinion, dull and monotone with it's color. Revert the Loadouts to the Halo 3 bubble shield/trip mine/re-gen. Not something that you can use every other minute. Halo had glitches, even in Halo 3... remember the turret glitches? Where you could use a turret to get outside the map? Halo 2 had the super jump, BXR, and others. Bring back the previous weapons that people fell in love with, even bring back dual wielding, even if it means nerf those weapons a little. And get rid of the visible reticle bloom. People should have to learn how to play if they want to be good at the game. Not have it handed to them like it is a free sample. Bring back the balanced maps, the simplistic color pallets the core gameplay that brought Halo to it's peak. Get rid of the loadouts, get rid of the casual ranking systems, just bring back Hardcore Halo. Do this and Halo will rise again. If Halo continues in the way that it is currently going, it won't last much longer. Halo needs to get back to it's roots. ~Honest Opinion, don't get mad at me if you disagree.
  4. 343i Fantasy Football League anyone?

  5. Cross hairs for the guns are very similar.
  6. Staff Response We have a topic for this kind of matter.http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/16384-server-issues-bugs-errors-post-them-here-community-info-topic/
  7. Not really the color I am complaining about... It is a slightly improved version of the textures in the terrains. Not much is different from the Reach Textures and the Textures and "appearance" of Destiny. My statement about color scheme did kind of point to that... I was trying to point out the textures in the two pictures that looked alike.
  8. First picture at the top, You can see the similarities in the reticles. Other four pictures. Halo Reach, and Destinys characters both use deep weapon pointings, whereas COD and Crysis are both higher weapon holds. These are the similarities I am pointing out. I don't like that they ruined Halo before 343i even could. I stated I would buy the game, but not pre-order it. Simply because I do have an interest in the game. My feelings about bungie do not change the fact that I am interested in the game. I am just not hyped up so much about it. How can you not say That (especially the beginning of the level played above in the video) the map they used there does not resemble Halo Reach? It especially resembles Boneyard from the Invasion gametype. Compare color scheme to Destiny stance picture.
  9. That is all you hear as a consumer of that product... a fan of that company(no offense). We hear what they tell us and buy into it like kids with Christmas candy. The point is, Bungie wanted to look like the good guys coming out of Microsoft. So they "Said" that this was everything they wanted Halo to be. But I disagree. I think they took a page out of the political playbook and simply deceived everyone into believing that statement. It's not hard. If Halo was at it's peak with Halo 3 then why, if they listen to their community, would they place loadouts, reticle bloom, and Sprint and other AA's in Halo? These simple things divided the community. 343i was forced to continue with this... why? Because all the fans they had left from the aftermath of Reach were the ones who "accepted" the changes. Unfortunately all the faithful Halo fans of old, form Halo CE, 2, and 3 died off due to "changes" to gameplay.... and drive to get better, the point of getting better at the game, was removed. What ever happened to out BR'ing? What ever happened to out strafing the other guy to get that last shot? It was rendered useless in Reach. With the popularity of GoW, Asassins Creed, and Call of Duty growing stronger... people still chose to play Halo 3. People still said it was the better game but yet Bungie still decided to change Halo to something it was not. If people think Bungie did not talk to Activision before they joined them after the separation from MS, then I think they would likely be wrong. Bungie knew what made Halo different from the rest.... and they turned it into exactly the same as the other FPS. Simple politics. Make one side look terrible, and make the other look amazing. Which leads me to my point..... Destiny Vs. Halo 4 Which game looks more appealing? Bungie had the upper hand in this divorce as they had the other side in their hands before they passed it over. EDIT: Will Destiny be better than Halo 4? certainly. But I am not buying into the hype of this game.
  10. Will I buy Destiny? Probably so. Will I pre-order it? Probably not.. we will see. Do I buy all of the hype? Not 100% Opinion on Graphics? They look slike a re-modified version of Halo Reach. (Compare player stance, player weapon holds, gun types, gun reticles, gun fire rates. (the first weapon shoots 3 round bursts just like the BR.) Opinion on gameplay? Looks like they took the Halo Reach scenic ideas, and replaced Spartans with a different player model. I am convinced Halo Reach was just a test for Destiny. Am I thrilled that Bungie screwed Halo over in Halo Reach? Heck no. Bungie knowingly and purposefully pushed Halo in a different direction that 343i Probably just figured they should follow that pattern. With the collapse of Halo, it makes Destiny look all that much better. We are all so excited about Destiny.. but don't be surprised if you think it looks familiar. //End_Rant tl;dr: Destiny looks ok. Bungie Sabotaged Halo. 343 thought Bungie pushed them in right direction. Halos collapse makes Destiny look better than what it will be. Yes, I did watch the video last night. I probably will buy Destiny... but I am not buying all the hype. Hate all you want on this comment, it is my honest opinion of what I personally see.
  11. Slight profile modification. Fix'd from last night.

  12. New profile song.

    1. Flippant Sol

      Flippant Sol

      Darn, why did you have to take up not one but two notifications? I use those preciously!

  13. My heart is heavy and saddened...

    1. Sikslik7


      No, it can't be!

    2. BeckoningZebra1


      I'll be praying for you if you don't mind.

  14. You have 300 likes... BANNED for not saying "THIS IS SPARTA!!!"
  15. Congratulations Spades. Well deserved and well earned.
  16. Staff Response Please keep this topic clean and appropriate. Try to keep the pictures decent for younger eyes to see as well.
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