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MCPO Mayh3m

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Everything posted by MCPO Mayh3m

  1. Welcome to the forum JL, nice to have another friendly face around here. I have indeed heard about Bionicle and was huge into Lego Drome Racers back in the day. Team Nitro all the way!
  2. Heck yeah RSR! Congrats! With great power comes awesomeness... and something else.. oh right... great responsibility!
  3. //Exams Thursday...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      Finals. I have a 10 page paper due and a programming exam.


    3. Church


      What language?

    4. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      mainly Java code.

  4. What an opening post. Great and well thought out. Interesting idea you have there, and I would say you really have me thinking now as well.
  5. Congrats on MoM! You have been a solid member here and one of my favorite numbers is 13 as well(lucky number for me)! O_o
  6. If it is over then I will lock this.
  7. I remember back in early 2012, Quantum and I were watching the NFL playoffs and it was Patriots Vs. Ravens... It was the last play of the game and the Ravens needed a field goal to win.... Quantum Matrix called exactly what happened next. "Wide Right" and the kick was wide right and the Patriots won. :3
  8. finally decked out my profile. :)

  9. MCPO Mayh3m

    OneRing copy

    From the album: Photoshop

  10. Go to youtube.com, type in "do the harlem shake" and don't click any videos. have fun....

  11. Is there anything else we can help with?
  12. I really like this idea. I would totally enjoy joining this playdate.
  13. Total Mayh*3*m. Hehe, nice to see this go up. Will be a nice reference for people... DON'T PISS ANY OF THEM OFF! Thank you.
  14. Everything stated above are great choices. If you are really trying to save money go with Roxio. If you don't know which one to pic, then go on Youtube and search the quality test for each of them. (be sure to swap the quality to the HD mode).
  15. Alright guys, I see a lot of name calling in here if it does not stop then this topic will be shut down. I've cleaned it up a bit, please do not make me do that again.
  16. Help me reach level 50 in Halo 4! ^_^

    1. EliteSniper


      I'll help you! Just get over here so I can throw you XD

    2. MCPO Mayh3m
    3. Fishy


      @ElitelSnlp3r I think he meant he needs a ladder...

  17. Staff Response Please try to add some content to your topic to help people understand why you believe that nothing beats Bungie. Thanks.
  18. I currently have been using 4 sensitivity. Comfortable, I use to use 6-10 in Halo 3.
  19. 2 Year anniversary with my girlfriend! ♥

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. SatanicBagels
    3. Sikslik7


      Congrats, and good luck tonight!

    4. AnimalDenWinter


      congrats dude hope you had a great time

  20. Aww, you said XML and I got all excited, I just took an XML class last semester lol.
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