CHAPTER 2: Pit Stop
As these young adventurers reach the other side, there is a screech by one of the hackers “Weee waaaahhhllll faaaaaiiinnnnnn yaauuuuuoooo!!!” Perry is caught off guard as his heart begins to race out of fear. “Don’t listen to him” Mippin tells Perry. “They are only trying to scare us.”
As they reach a gated town, they knock on the door. It has started raining by this time. “ay.. uh.. yea?!” the doorkeeper responds as he opens a small window in the giant door. “Wha… uh….. whaya wan?” he continues. “We’re looking for the one who will help us here. We were told they would be here by Twam the grey!” A-Dog responded… “Eh… uh… yer be must the ventur’s righ?” the doorkeeper responded. “Yes, that’s us… wait, how’d you know we were coming?” Jester asked out of confusion. “eh, uh…well.. I don’t rightly knew. But get tails in ere’ er else the haker be getting ya.” At that time the doorkeeper slung open the gate and pulled the whole group in. “Eh… at the pub be ya person.” The doorkeeper responded. “Sounds like he is sobering up a bit” Jester whispered to A-Dog. “HIC!” the doorkeeper hiccups as he chugs down another drink. “Are you sure bout’ that Jester?” A-Dog replied.
The group makes it to the pub, but as they arrive they wonder why they have not been getting wet as they look up Twam the Grey has created a small force above them preventing the rain from falling on them. The group walks into the pub and at first glance they see a very silent and mysterious soldier….. is it a soldier at all? Maybe he is a knight or Hunter? All they knew is that this one was intriguing. “Look at that One guy over there, do you know who he is Twam?” Mippin asks. “This one will guide you, just don’t make a fool of yourselves or else he may change his mind.” Twam the Grey stated as he sat down on the wooden bench across the room from the mysterious one. Twam glares at the one mysterious person and gives him a wink.
All of a sudden the room goes silent… the room was so silent that you could hear a pen drop. Literally a pen dropped and everyone heard it as the bartender dropped his pen for his order sheet. “What is going on?” Perry asks. At that moment they know what has happened… “WHEEEEERRRRSSS AAAHHHRRRRR YUUUOOOUUUUU CLOOAAHHH BEAARRRRRREEEEEERR?!” they heard in the distance. “We have to leave, NOW!” Twam exclaims. “But wait! I’m not finished with my drink yet!” Jester responds! “You can finish your glass of milk later, but right now we need to move out of this town or else we will be hacked to pieces!” Twam replies. Jester has a shocked look on his face, with a milk mustache along his lips as he lowers his mug. The group runs out and are heading for the back exit when they look back and see the front gate burst open. “THAAAAEEEEEERRRREEEE!!!” The hackers scream as they spot A-Dog and the rest. “OH MY TWAM!! RUN!!” Mippin and Perry exclaim out of fear. The group runs out the back gate, and the doorkeepers close the gate and quickly place the giant beam across it to keep it locked. As the door closes behind the group, they turn around and hear the sounds of two men, the doorkeepers, yelling as they are being murdered by the hackers. The group hears a wail from inside from the hackers…. They know it is time to move….