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MCPO Mayh3m

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Everything posted by MCPO Mayh3m

  1. Battle Rifle WYR Be a pro for a day, or a noob that sucked forever at Halo 4?
  2. So there is still hope I don't care to much for the way it currently is.. simply because, when you get pulled out of scope in the other Halos, you knew you got shot from someone. With this, people may not be as aware that they are getting shot..
  3. Pretty much this. ...and it seems like a white mask over the whole video. It is not bad, but there are a few suggestions I would say to do in order to improve next time. Try fixing the quality, improving the color, using more than one transition, and filling the video with more multikill type plays.
  4. As the Mythbusters would say: Plausible, but not likely to happen.
  5. Perpetual Legend... I like that one the most.
  6. Don't need to say much more, because this pretty much covered it. Most likely what happened is that a Moderator warned you in the shoutbox to stop doing something and you continued to do it anyways. So he banned you for 12 hours. The ban is not that long, I know that they can be longer... even permanent.
  7. This thread is full of win. Some of these I have heard before, and others I have not. Awesome thread Theo.
  8. They stated (vaguely) at E3 during the Xbox SmartGlass presentation that there was going to be Internet Explorer 8 on Xbox starting this Fall. Because Microsoft glass uses IE8 on the phones and tablets and can convert them straight to the console with a single touch of a button.
  9. Happy Birthday to my Dad, AdamJ, Twinreaper, and Le Derp King!

  10. I say go for it. I just got the 250gb model for $200.. It is definitely worth it.
  11. E3 going live in 1 minute!! [media]http://e3.gamespot.com/press-conferences/[/media]
  12. This should probably be closed.... or moved to off topic. inb4 :close:
  13. Where is he streaming from? Anyone who has a link to a place that is Streaming E3, post it here!
  14. Congrats even if it doesn't matter to you. Purple suits you quite well.
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