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Everything posted by Hunterex12

  1. a very good idea but they should use pelicaans for transports upgraded pelicans i mean
  2. idk why call of duty can't be friends with halo there both shooting games its not and you can't prove which game is better because of peoples opions
  3. halo 4 because black ops has the old stuff but halo has new things like spartan ops and new forge and awsome multiplayer.
  4. BR and DMR are diffrant weapons the BR is 3 burst and the Dmr is a long range
  5. the elites in halo 3 were heritics i think another name for a rebel elites
  6. which ones better because there both the same right
  7. i think so because i like the MLG game type its good for skilled players
  8. ilke the armor and the colors
  9. i like the way the weapon looks it looks like a machete and i think theres DLC
  10. yeah im almost done ready the book then going to another book
  11. classification:signiture size:600x200 imagehttp://www.bungie.net/stats/reach/playermodel.ashx?rpis=6hJSqj9YASUHicDZp-CfLQ== holding a assulte rifle image2:http://attackofthefanboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/halo-4-spartan-ops.jpg image3:none background:http://cdn.windows7themes.net/wallpaper/halo-4-wallpaper-2.jpg writing:never give up its destiny location:me on the left and master cheif on the right
  12. change the font to red its to dark to see
  13. theres nine levels in halo4 1 less then halo reach
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