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Everything posted by Hunterex12

  1. i like big team heavis with all the weapons and vehicals
  2. best gamtype ever besides BTB heavies
  3. General grade 4 half way to feld marshall
  4. i doint play cod that much i just got it for titles
  5. i miss the halo 3 grenade aw good times
  6. there should be super sprint so we can run faster
  7. that would be great i hope they didn't change the lowering weapon thing i hope they keep it so we can make machinama
  8. i think first person because its going to copyright gears of war
  9. i think if they doint have aimbot then its good
  10. i doint have problems my loading maybe its the disk or xbox
  11. do u like walffles

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Spectral Jester

      Spectral Jester

      Waffles, with apple & cinnamon mush on top yum!

      As for pancakes they are the best food ever!

    3. ZB-85
    4. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      Chocolate... waffles.....

  12. i think yes because halo didn't have a beta since halo reach
  13. i didn't even know that halo 2 had a ranking system
  14. i hope they do'nt shut down the halo 3 servers when halo 4 comes out
  15. they should so we can make machinama awesome idea
  16. i do'nt know why people why people think 343 is ruining halo 343 is awsome
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