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Everything posted by Hunterex12

  1. i will still buy halo 2 but they should make it HD
  2. Hunterex12

    Beta Testing

    i would love to be a beta tester for any halo franchise
  3. they should make a armor ability called Deflect it just like armor lock but if anything hits u its Deflected
  4. i might not make because i have boot camp with ithe dropshock Birgaide thats just my opinon
  5. i miss resident evil 4 it was hard but fun but this is just Ansome
  6. if i wake up early then i can make it for this one
  7. assains creed Revelation is the best game in the asssasins credd trilagy
  8. i joined the dark brotherhood, imperials and the thives guild
  9. snipers are not noobish somtimes they unless sombody has ambot when they crossed the border
  10. i like squad DLC because its better then TU beta and it has my favorite maps like Highlands
  11. I have thousands of reasons they should not take halo 3 off when halo 4 launches
  12. I like instalation 04 because it has Additinal mariens and 343 Gulity park
  13. i still play halo 3 custom games but some time i play machmaking
  14. i rather have asssasinations because its fun beat downs are boring i like action
  15. if anyone can help me get the vidmaster challenge Deja vu on ODST my gamertag is Hunterex12
  16. my fav song is in the End-Linkin park
  17. iv never played ODST fire fight well once but i only killed two Grunts
  18. im trying to play halo 2 online on xbox 360 and i have XBC so if i connect my internet cord to my computer i can play halo 2 agagin
  19. and i think they should make a map pack of blood gulch and sandtrap and sandbox that will be sick
  20. i miss blood gulch i can still play it on the computer but i wish they put in halo 4
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