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Everything posted by TheBarefootJedi

  1. I would agree with B7V, I never minded it at all. Like any of the abilities it has its nuisance factor but same as any of the abilities it was possible to overcome pretty easily when taking a moment to consider options. No matter what it always had a limited amount of time it would work and if timed right left the user a pretty easy target for a nicely lobbed grenade. IMO I'd like to see it boosted back up some. But I'm also kind of a fan of bloom and hate the nixing of that as well so maybe I'm just insane.
  2. To be fair they can't even put DLC maps into a regular rotation for multiplayer making them $20 worth of electronic bricks consuming your hard drive. But totally agree, I miss warthogs in maps as well, it didn't even matter which side I was on, blasting the crap out of the enemies with endless rounds or the challenge of toasting them with a couple of well tossed grenades only added to the excitement. To be honest I've been getting more and more bored with the MP and actually have been craving CoD which is just sad :thumbdown:
  3. No doubt they are good maps, but to have to play on a single playlist with a very finite number of players at any given time kind of takes the value of them and pulverizes it into nothingness when there are other gametypes you may want to play on but simply can't since the system won't even seem to try and match you up with others who at least have one of the packs to add variety.
  4. And since Jackal Ultra posted in the same time I was typing mine, I tip my hat to you, you are a much smarter man than I. It would have been much better sinking my cash into CEA. :unworthy:
  5. Agreed on that one. I bought Defiant thinking, hmmm, this will be awesome, these maps look great... and since I have only heard crickets from that side of my hard drive while playing Reflection, Countdown or one of the 10,000 Forge World variants I have fully regretted my purchase. :thumbdown:
  6. I still just go with my good old tried and true hanging out for a couple extra seconds then tossing a grenade at their feet for when they come out of lock.
  7. Mine was about the same as lewis but ended with a sadistic chuckle when the guy started going into lock, then blam. Cue an "oh yeah, sweet" moment followed by previously mentioned sadistic chuckle. :guitar:
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