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  1. You're missing my point, thinking that I am saying one group is better than the other. I am not now, nor have I ever said that. What I'm saying is imagine you love only import cars, and I only love domestic. Does that make either of us wrong? I don't think so, it's just that we enjoy different things, but at least we all enjoy motoring right? I am not sorry that some people love fun and easy, or that others don't mind struggling for years to learn how to be better at a game. Different strokes my friend, but those are opposed catagories. I did not put people there lol, the people did. All I'm saying in end is that in this engine Bungie/343 built there is room for all walks of fps gaming life, from casual to hardcore, from Griftballer to MLG die-hard. Is it too much to ask that we all have our place? I think not. -Rev
  2. For all the naysayers, first off if you love default Reach that's great, you have 90% of this game still that caters to you . But what about the people that have missed Halo, and HATE default Reach? Its not that we can't adapt (worst troll saying ever thought of imHo) it's that we miss OUR game. I know I for one haven't had this much fun since H2/3. I know Bungie was tired of making Halo and wanted to move on to other things but come on guys this is Not the game we grew up with. I believe that is what 343 it trying to recapture, the games roots, I mean look the first re-release of any game worthwhile mentioning I've ever heard of (H1). Does the playlist has it's faults of course, but tweak the pistol and i think 90% or better of the old school Halo players would agree, that and a few other tweaks would make this game/playlist actually feel like Halo again. Picture this; you log onto Reach, select MM and two hoppers open up. One hopper is Default Reach filled with all the sub-hoppers this game brought with it. But wait there is another hopper below it, Default Halo with all the original MM hoppers in it, including retooled Invasion and other community favorites. Now tell me whats wrong with that? Like bloom go spam your simulation-like weapons as though you where a regular soldier(a Spartan can control recoil much better hence bloom should not exist for them). All the Halo purists, go play the game we bought the original Xbox for in the first place. More points. I know I for one don't feel that ZB encourages spamming (hear me out), yes the weapons should be shot at max rate of fire in alot of encounters(DMR pistol), but at the same time if you cannot control said RoF while maintaining accuracy it doesn't matter how fast you shoot. That was H2/3 in a nutshell, He (she) who can shoot the fastest while controlling their weapon had a greater chance of winning an encounter. And at the same time tactics like strafing and whatnot matter more without bloom, because the bullet will be in the same relative place everytime. Sure it may bounce around i the reticle but that reticle will keep its size and because of that skill can actually come back into play. (not saying Default doesn't). In closing Halo fans want Halo back, Reach fans want to continue with their favorite game. There is absolutely no reason why we cannot have both. And most importantly the two groups (default/purists) should imho show each other respect and work together towards a game we can all enjoy. I don't care if you HATE ZB(I abhor default), you should at least be mature enough to realize we both deserve to have the game we love and paid for. -Rev
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