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M Peterklaasi

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    M Peterklaasi

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. 343i, So you combined Premium Slayer and Premium Battle. You keep the PB name with the PS gametypes included. Problem is 9 times out of 10 the only thing that gets voted for are Slayer maps. What gives, there is every other playlist that consists of Slayer type games. Before it was Invasion, 1 flag, 1 bomb, multiflag, and neutral bomb. That was the gametypes that made up PB. Now its 2000Cr a game and nobody cares about the objective style, although I'm sure there are those "try-hards" out there that you use to see in PB wondering what the Beep happened to there 6000Cr gametypes? The old PB was the place to go if you still wanted to earn a reasonable amount of credits while getting a chance to pawn some noobs instead of working on your "Firefight Inheritor" by taking 20 minutes with 3 other noobs killing Elites, Skirmishers, and grunts. <can't you do that in Campaign? Seriously, I'm not that big on Firefight plus its not every map you get to play the maps I paid for. I get tired of playing BTB on a bunch of maps a 12year (with a Bungie employee hook-up) made to get their crappy map into the hopper. Sure there haven't been that many people playing PB the last couple of weeks or so, but all in all, its the best place for credits, The good maps, and more than just 3 other players to go in with. So please, consider seperating the 2 gametypes back to the old school. It would be much appreciated! *This is a simple suggestion to help improve the gaming experience, that I hope gets looked at by someone who can do something about it* Nothing follows... Break... Out!
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