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Winy68's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. Quit early suspensions Don't penalize us if we quit games where 1 or more of our team quit For those who care about our kd ratio we dont want to stay in a mismatched game Also fix the boot option for team mates who cleanly betray you and those who might throw a random grenade which team kills you Betrayal suspension would be nice track a players betrayals and ban/suspend them after x times
  2. Credit limit I'm an honest player and don't credit farm but sometimes play all day I have earned soo many challenge points both dailies and weeklies which have been 'stolen' from me due to reaching credit limit Surely you can determine which players are actively playing and which are farming At minimum let us see our running credit limit so we can stop playing before earning a weekly and having it not count
  3. Host issues Honestly the game is almost unplayable most of the time. The foreign host problem is soo invasive it makes the game a terrible experience Im a higher rank and played with two other descent player and lost at least 10 games in a row most were in the order of 50-25 loss Agsinst low ranked players but from uk Canada Mexico etc etc Since it seems the design of the game prevents a truly equal fair game as far as host at least Bring back option to prefer good connection and detect and distribute the host disadvantage equally
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