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  1. I'm thinking that in halo 4 there should be a mix of sprint and armor lock so the player runs faster and is also invisible but would not be able to use there weapons during use also a cooldown time after use so the player can uses it cant use there weapons again for a limited time such as a 3 second cooldown time to prevent being able to just run around using the energy sword or gravity hammer or any weapon straight away after use.Maybe the cooldown time could be something like the longer they use the armor ability the longer the cooldown time and the the amount of armor ability left is shown in a circle again or even a line it could be like if they use 1/4 of the bar there's a 1 sec cooldown and if they use 2/4 then there's a 2 sec cooldown and so on. But then again 343i might not even put armor ability in halo 4 so this whole thread would be completely useless.
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