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  1. There are many small things that could make Halo 5 the greatest game ever. 1- More UNSC weapons, different assault rifles and bring back the smg 2- Customize guns, more weapon skins and like ODST make the guns have silencers and scopes 3- Play as Arbiter like Halo 2 4- More character customization, hight, weight, right or left handedness 5- More armor skins that can go on all armor 6- Bigger team battles, 10v10 players for multiple game tipes (Dominion) 7- Make a mix between Spartain Ops and Firefight but bring firefight back. 8- For firefight make it matchmaking with 10 allies or so with more enemies, and boss fights 9- For fun bring back the Katana and make it behave like the energy sword 10- Lastly longer campaign
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