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Everything posted by BatmanTheRiddler

  1. Group name: UNSC Starship Infinity. No character customization required. Requirements are as follows: Must be age 17+ (some exceptions can be made), mic is optional, Must be available at least 1hr a day for 4 days every week (again, exceptions can be made) Looking for players for casual and competitive play. We just want people to play with who dont cheat, rage, afk or quit. My gamertag: Commander Money Leader's Gamertag: Desvanecerse P.S. We sometimes have competitions for ms points. I am currently competing in one of those so do me a favor and remember my gamertag should you decide to join, thanks!
  2. oooo I forgot about those, and the gravity hammer fights! Yeah, those need to make a comeback in Halo 4!
  3. 343i, can we please have a Rocket Race gametype in Halo 4? In my opinion it should have its own playlist. People either hate it or love it. When it gets chosen now, the people that hate it will rage quit or make it miserable for their teammates. In Reach, it is the best way to get Wheelman medals for the Multiplayer Commendation. Personally, I like Rocket Race better than Rocket Hog Race, but if it has its own playlist there could be both game types, and maybe an imaginative 3rd or 4th type. Any other thoughs or suggestions?
  4. 343i, please put a Team Stickies game type in Halo 4. That was the best game in Halo 3. Also, a better Action Sack playlist. The game types in Action Sack on Reach atm are bad...
  5. I agree mostly with fin. I believe it turns the game into a camp fest though. You cannot be out in the open, two shots from two different DMRs in ZB and you're dead. I admit I do love running around with the pistol though, but it is more of a fun game type to me, like something that belongs in action sack. I personally see no difference in AL. I know the changes they made, but they dont seem to actually matter that much in game. The active camo nerf is dumb. It already sucked EXCEPT when you're sniping. You have no motion tracker and can very easily be seen when even slightly moving. If you say it was hard to see people camoed then you just don't pay enough attention. Then people complained b/c they were dying too much so now it's not even great for sniping anymore. The shield bleed through is horrible. Why even call it a shield now??? It is just an extra bar of health.... In my opinion it made more sense when it was an actual shield and you had to get rid of that before you can damage a players health. All of this is my opinion, if you're going to start bashing me b/c of something I said then you wasted your time reading this. You can suck it, idc and I wont respond to you. That being said if you want to have an adult conversation about something I said I would enjoy that greatly.
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