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  1. No doubt they may bring us some good times. However it seems they come off in a way of: "Hey Bungies gone get over it we're taking over." type... I understand they're competitors but one thing bungie has always done well is (For example when I believe infinity ward or treyarch sent bungie a batch of copies of Mw2 or black ops Im not sure... Bungie replied saying how they loved the game.) how they have great public relations... Like the only people who don't like bungie are mad 12 year old "Quick-scopers, MLG, hax" type...
  2. Justahobo

    Dear 343.

    Lets get a few things straight mmm'k. Bungie was the Father of halo. We are Halos children. Our father died and you're our step father... We don;t start off all buddy buddy with you and your games, your going to have to earn respect in the same way Bungie did. And the way to do it is 1.) Make good games. I mean thats a given don't just throw a game out and be like YEAH ITS DONE gotta be ready to make tough choices, hell even scrap a game like they did for halo 2. Number 2.) Don't screw up the games bungie made... Its like you (Our step father) Walking into our house and getting rid of all the pictures of my late daddy. I mean I get fixing things thats +rep from me. But editing things that need no changing thats a no no. 3.) Stay cannon for god sakes that means no jet packs in halo 4... Follow up on the story... well rant over k bai.
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