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Everything posted by bjnalley

  1. Thanks for the quick reply. I guess that has to do with some kind of filtering thing, I'm not sure how Foe Hammer gets tagged as inappropriate as it is a name taken directly from HALO Combat Evolved and the full tag Foe Hammer20 was the suggestion that live gave me when it told me Foe Hammer was already in use. go figure. not that big a deal though, I haven't been on live but for a couple of months and just figured out that I could (or couldn't) take pictures of my games and share them with others. As long as I can get a game I'm Ok, I just hope this isn't a prelude to a forced GT change or some other penalty like banning because of my handle. I play clean and don't curse and try to be polite aside from occasionally scolding the mosh pit of children that talk like sailors for their language . I never heard the F-bomb used as a noun a verb, an adjective, and a pronoun in the same sentence until I joined live and listened to the chatter of all the kids. It has to be the most versatile word in the English language. LOL!
  2. Hi, I am having a problem uploading screenshots to the file share. When I try I get a message that says "The name of this creator is not allowed on xbox live" My gamer tag is Foe Hammer20 (which also appears in the file options as Created By) , I don't have any problems signing in to live , joining matchmaking games, earning credits or anything of that nature, I have never been banned or had any complaints and I have a 5 star rep. so I don't think that's the problem. If anyone can help shed some light on my trouble it would be greatly appreciated. thanks, Brett
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