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Everything posted by BOX

  1. AAs NEED to go. I sold Reach two weeks after release and went back to(and am still playing) halo 3. Ever herd of the phrase 'If it's not broken don't fix it'? This pretty much says it all. Halo 3 and Halo 2 and CE for that matter were freaking AMAZING games. One because they were fun to the point of almost taking over my life at points, but the difference between the Halo series and ALL of the other fun games out there is the COMPETITIVE ASPECT!! Taking a working system and changing the dynamics to something totally different is CHILDISH and ruins the experience. Everyone has the same health and the same movement speed and abilities to utilize in whatever way the choose to or CAN. Remember in Halo 3 when somebody would jump S1 to S2 with the mauler on guardian and kill your entire team? He DID NOT use a jet pack HE WAS GOOD AT THE GAME! The thing that makes Halo so fun is that it is up to the player to get creative and out smart and outplay the other player. AAs DESTROY this simple feature and make for more frustrating gameplay by decreasing the skill-gap. Map positioning, teamwork, communication and just pure talent should set players apart NOT pre determined classes. Halo 3 custom game settings were changed BEFORE the game started, in COD and Reach they can be manipulated IN GAME. Enough with the pissed off field major social warrior and his staff captain crew of BKs trying to keep this BAD IDEA in the series, get rid of the AAs and QQ because us 50s tore you randoms apart in MM. Pathetic. To think I used to complain about the power drain..
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