Your list of "resonable changes" shows your severe inability to adapt to a changing age of multiplayer. You say that armor lock is a "get out of death free card" unless u are a total noob at halo it is very easy to counter someones armor lock since they are immobile and it only last 6-8 sec. all u have to do is throw a gernade or stand out of EMP range and melee them in the back. Next your complaints about the sniper and DMR being over powered, first off it is EXTREAMLY difficult to hit a good banshee pilot with either weapon second it takes a very long time to destroy a banshee with a DMR usually around 3 clips, and if your using a sniper rifle then u give away your position each time u shoot making it easy for the banshee pilot to see then kill u. The banshee's assault cannon has the same amount of explosive force in Halo reach as it has had in every other halo game exept that it now tracks vehicles (poorly). the frag gernades are no more powerfull in halo reach then they were in halo 3 in fact their area of effect is smaller, if ur health is low then the only way to be killed with a frag gernade is if your standing on top of it, besides frags bounce a LOT more in reach that in halo 3. Next bloom has always been in halo expecialy in halo one with the crazy inacurrate but powerfull magnum, in reach however u can now see where your rounds are most likely to go (the faster you shoot the more inaccurate you become) Bloom is nothing new. Last the whole purpouse of active camo is to make yourselfe invisible, perpetualy showing up on the radar defeats that purpose besides it isnt very difficult to find someone in active camo if your good at reach.