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Ryu♥Hayabusa last won the day on July 31 2016

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  • Location
    Oconee, South Carolina
  • Interests
    Many things. Especially the color purple.

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343 Guilty Spark

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  1. If you ask me, Halo 4 blinded us. We thought it was a good change for the better. I even thought so. Now, I believe the aspect of equality in any situation is gone. I believe that the change we all thought was going to be great...was just a simple test bed.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PuRe PoNy

      PuRe PoNy

      I must admit I don't enjoy Halo 4 as much as I used to. Except the playdate, that was the most fun I've had on any halo game.

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      When you play a Halo game with friends, it's fun no matter which game it is.


    4. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      it is, i spent the night at my friends house last night and we played campaign in halo 4 and reach made a halo 4 race map based off of mario circuit from mario kart wii and we played reach multiplayer which was a lot of fun and did team slayer and usually I'm horrible at halo but this time i was the best on our team. any ways i like reach more than halo 4 except for forge and campaign

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