Weapons are balanced as hell. This helps give more customization to the game. Invalid argument.
The Armor Abilities are also balanced as hell. No hovering with a sniper anymore, and no blocking explosions. The argument you presented is invalid.
Frankie said they were holding back the ranking system for now. After the progression system was revealed.
Random weapon drops and ordnance drops must have gotten you confused. See, the random drops are usually away from players and drop power weapons, etc. Ordnance drops (Only in infinity gametypes) are acquired when you get five kills. Whether you die or not, you still get it. These features are not in regular slayer playlists.
Note that when I say invalid argument, I don't mean you are wrong and ignorant, I mean the argument you presented is solved by current knowledge.
If you have more concerns, feel free to ask here or by PM. I am not affiliated with 343i, but I know all legal knowledge there is to know of Halo 4 at this moment.