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Everything posted by Ryu♥Hayabusa

  1. All retailer bonuses will come out later as DLC. No need to trade.
  2. I don't care. If we were all Elites, great. I don't care for cosmetics. Since Halo 2, not the beginning.
  3. Not to mention it has a month of Gold, a headset, and some beautiful artwork laying on top of it. I'm fine with getting my Console and the Map pass later.
  4. That's awesome. I hope we get to try both of these bad boys out.
  5. You know what grinds my gears? When people say "grinds my gears".
  6. MLG is now what clans have turned into. You arrive in a bar with 5 current customers. The bartender is seemingly normal until you draw near. You notice she sits in a wheel-chair. You look to the wall behind her and you see she is a war vet from the recent war. Well, that explains why her legs are missing. You order a drink and look around at the 5 customers. One is on a prosthetic leg while another is missing his ring finger. Yet another is missing an arm. The other two are completely normal. No injuries. You decide to calculate how many human phalanges are present within the room when someone with no injuries walks in. What did you find? Now assume you can relate to the bartender because you, too, are missing your legs. You do not have a wheelchair/crutches, etc, nor did anyone carry you. You didn't crawl either. How did you get into the bar?
  7. Dude, Imagine the Machinima capabilities with ordnance drops too..."Hey guys, how-*ordnance falls on him*"
  8. The map pass will launch with the game for $25.00 US.
  9. Does it have to be a different person each time? Cause...if so, I have to hug twice to make the quota. XD
  10. We agreed they had a stalemate! AHG!!!
  11. M2A Forum Goers...I love you guys!

  12. What is the smallest particle known to Humans right now?
  13. First offense: 24 hours Second offense: 2 weeks Third offense: forever
  14. I was going to lol hard at people if it was just a skin, but it's not so I can't lol hard, but I can lol.
  15. My middle name is now M'drasa. So I am Ryu M'drasa Hayabusa. *Hidden middle name FTW*

    1. EliteSniper


      lol what oes everybody have with those elite names?Anyway looks cool!

  16. A lot of folks like getting ranked by skill too. Somehow helps motivation.
  17. *Georgia beats Florida* I have to tell my friends something Monday in Homeroom.

  18. This is why I go offline a month before release.
  19. x.x Two systems guys. One progression, one skill. Skill one not shown yet.
  20. Remember, I iz a Khajiit Ninja guy who can killz you. Bewarez.

  21. Yeah, so much crap they can do to prevent early online play.
  22. Wait...no, NO!!! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME CHOOSE SOMETHING OVER THE CARBINE! Where is the Carbine choice? Lol, I know it's DMR vs BR. Heh, the BR has been the slowest-killing so far but I still want to use it. But usefulness over nostalgia. So, DMR.
  23. Hm...FOTUS body with LOCUS helmet could be cool...
  24. Perhaps a special set of maps specifically for 1v1 with no weapons could work.
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