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Everything posted by Ryu♥Hayabusa

  1. I have 20 matches now. Put in two Dew's and a Dorito code and got 18+2!
  2. Spartans are able to use certain types of camouflage in the field. Some use the Spartan III's matching system while some use the awesome Active Camouflage. I will be using the darkest color they have along with a cobalt secondary. Or possibly a gold secondary.
  3. Oh, come now. It is only mentioned twice and is not hardly relevant to the storyline until you get done reading and think about it. Don't be sour, just read it. I loved Glasslands even though people spoiled it for me everyday. Trust me. Try it. It's really good.
  4. Aim assist is in all Halos. You must like it otherwise you'd hate Halo.
  5. That's why the codes should be on the *inside* of the bag. And it's true. People are doing it.
  6. I'm getting a new cat today. It's a kitten. I like cats. You know this. So why you staring!? *hiss*

    1. LordReaper


      lol what u gona name it...ninja cat? or Ryu? oh oh or happy? "from fairy tail"

    2. a live dinosaur
  7. They sure are! I have a few codes myself. Try any grocer carrying store out there. Look for Doritos that have it.
  8. Not much longer until we find out the third bonus. I am glad about that Arctic BR skin, though. I'd love to have it, the haven background, AND the best of what's next.
  9. Thursday War. That is all. Educated guess of Ur-Didact.
  10. I think it's region locked.
  11. Disappointment. I thought I could withdraw with a full understanding of all members. Instead I get ISTRAFED UP0NI Calling my post useless, acting like he knows all and acting condescending towards most members who have any opinion that differs from his. You know what? I'll do this calmly. Because it'll be easy. Sure, you can save money by getting the other pass with the standard game, but you also forfeit the other bonuses. Go and buy FUD, all those paper and plastic items, and the other digital goodies, THEN check how much you spent. Then add the amount of that shiny LE case. Ouch. More than $100 isn't it? Quite a bit more. Le is more than a shiny case and a map pass. It also contains so many items that you neglect to try and even consider. You say you don't care about them? Okay, fine. DO your Standard thing. I, for one, LOVED all of the paper and plastic I got within my Legendary Edition of Reach. Not counting the statue. I think that stuff is just cool as hell. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that no one else does. So don't put arguments down in the dirt. You are but one voice. You do not represent the entire side that wants more. Let others speak without insult. One last thing. My post was anything but useless. If anything, your condescending posts have been as useless as my old and shredded papers from 2nd grade. Add something intellectual to the argument that actually helps the situation. Please. Remember guys, the material value still stands whether you like it or not. An apple is still one dollar whether I can grow and earn them myself or not. An apple is still one dollar whether millions can get a hold of one or not. If a meal that is normally $4 all of a sudden becomes $5 with an apple, you are not being cheated. It's called a bundle. Any item is worth so much and that value will not change unless availability changes. AFAIK, LE has the same amount of copies, it still has the same items, and it is still in your hands. A couple of bonuses have just been allowed into other's hands, such as the specializations. But this is simply a promotion for War Games. Promotions do not change value of items. They just allow access to an item without paying extra for it in exchange for doing or buying something else. In this case, playing the game in the first couple of weeks.
  12. *Re-diverts GSD's shipment back to him.* There you go GSD! Not a single bite-uh...not two bites missing!
  13. It can be turned off, though. The old build I played had...well, hard to remember, but it seemed to be noticeable, but not completely magnetized like it used to be. Tallgeese could confirm more...recent builds. He'll probably get you better info.
  14. All pre-order bonuses are confirmed to be in a DLC that will come out later. Pre-order bonuses only. Not exclusive armors and skins for console/Limited Edition.
  15. "Microsoft is money hungry, money hungry, MONEY HUNGRY!" I know they are money hungry, but every other post is just about how they want money. I'm tired of seeing it. But while I agree, it's getting to the point to where it's uselessly included in most posts and it's bothering. We know they love money, we know they do bad things; We know this all. We know how they are. No need for "corrupt, money hungry, damnable company" every sentence. We get it. Please. Say something else. D: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I understand you think it's not limited or exclusive, but it's value isn't going down just because you can see the papers online later. Just because a book is able to be pirated or read by a million folks in a day doesn't mean the company is going to go, "Oh, its value is going down now.", it is just an unfortunate truth. Just because anyone can buy an apple doesn't mean it isn't worth a dollar. I understand you feel like your exclusives are being stripped away but the value is still there. Okay? Logically, the value is the same. Sentimentally, no, but in the real world it takes the same amount of money to profit. Sorry for that unfortunate truth as well. P.S. Sounds harsh, but I don't care how you take it. I am just stating what is logically true without any emotions getting in my way. If my emotions did barge in here, I'd get banned for bashing people. So consider this post very full of restraint. Yours truly, Ryu Hayabusa Pulling out of this thread until further notice.
  16. How it should have ended is your opinion. I loved it. Wouldn't change it for the world. I respect your opinion though and will not denounce it because mine is different. Just wanted to insert my two-cents.
  17. If you are able to enter your gamertag in the section for it. I can't access it.
  18. After reading Thursday War, I'd guess the one who hates Humans. And we all know which one that is.
  19. Your math is pretty good. See, all that extra DLC would cost more than $10 anyway making the price higher than $100. People like to forget the extras they get. Such as FUD, Vids, and such. People these days.
  20. The Impact Map has UNSC space station pieces. Very different. Besides, we get gravity zones, trait zones, a few more pieces, etc. We just have to wait and see. Each map is different.
  21. I do not want the previous flawed systems back. I want a better and refined skill system based on k/d, w/l, AND individual in game actions. That along side the Progression system would make my hypothesis completely true. And everyone would be happy as a pyromaniac on the 4th of July.
  22. I see the point about the armor, but the rest of it is fairly...wrong. The Recruit armor WAS said to be exclusive, but it isn't. Okay, one lie. The rest? Well, they never claimed you get the same war games map pass as later buyers, so that argument is invalid. They never advertised the Strider and Scanner helmets with the LE so it makes sense. Then you come to the FUD argument. Well, sure, it's streamed, but when did they claim it wasn't? I see it's upsetting, but all this is is information we didn't get until now. Only one lie, and some clarification. Only one lie. So, you have me wondering where all this plural "lies" comes from. LE is still worth it, but the Console seems like it was the better buy. Especially since my console is gone. >:]
  23. It's only a skin for the default armor. Recruit is now default, so yeah. You only get a skin.
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