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Everything posted by Ryu♥Hayabusa

  1. I hope we still have classic infection. I don't want to have to go back to Reach for good customs.
  2. Was V.I.P not in Reach? Was it confirmed out of Halo 4?
  3. Cool. Well thought out. I think that having something like this is very accurate. Few things could surpass this.
  4. Screw ravine, I'm making a legit space station on Impact. I made a makeshift one on Reach, but Impact is the way to go. Especially with magnet. I like how there is more classification nonetheless.
  5. Ryu wishes you all a good night!

    1. SykoWolf


      night to you too, its day here though :P

    2. Zelda


      You forgot, "Ryu is tired now. Go bather somebody else. ;)

    3. Zelda
  6. Sorry for my disappearance. SternuS, I see the thread is lightly popular again. Mission accomplished. Let's conquest more areas.
  7. Well, Frakie commented on the Progression system, but said he'd hold off on the Ranking system. This points to such a system.
  8. Certain objects are on certain maps. And certain objects can phase.
  9. Ryu♥Hayabusa


    Then I'll try for those matches.
  10. Sure is. Sorry mate. The Human tech advanced like heck.
  11. I bet the LR skin and BR skins for pre-ordering are level locked until the normal weapon is unlocked. It'd only make sense.
  12. Dominion is like territories on steroids.
  13. Yeah, no one complains that we can't use the knife unless we are behind a player, but they complain we can't use the powerful flagnum unless we pick up a flag. Sadly true.
  14. Ranks based on skill do help, I agree. But if they make the whole experience, you need to try something else. I can play Reach for 12 hours straight during summer and never get bored of playing. I enjoy the gameplay more than the icon next to my name. It's disappointing to see a n00b have a higher rank than I, but when I get in the lobby and start playing, I get really pumped and excited to play. Don't get me wrong, I like seeing my efforts ranked effectively, but the ranks don't mean the difference between a good game and a bad one in my eyes.I see ranks as the reward for doing good. While the gameplay is the whole point. Like awards on this site. The point of the site is to socialize. But you get rewards for being a good member.
  15. Other than Machinimas, I see no reason to keep them. Yes, Machinimas benefit, but most use only Spartans anyway. Least you see it like I do.
  16. I just wonder why we can't use Flashlights in MP. Seems Machinimas would love this. Just eliminate the glare.
  17. Ryu♥Hayabusa


    How about this: Anyone who doesn't want your Double XP codes, PM them to me. I'll take them. No harm in getting my Carbine a bit faster. Deal? Gotta check the store now for some DEW.
  18. Well, if I did seem harsh, it's because some people are missing one point. Elites are not playable at all in Competitive multiplayer. Competitive multiplayer encompasses Forge, Customs, and War Games. Reason? There can be opposing sides. Competitive DOES NOT mean you get ranked and matched with random people. It means you can have opposing sides. That's it. The hope for them in Custom Games and Forge is literally gone unless you think 343 would make DLC or patches for Elites. (Which they won't. 99.9% Chance of it not happening.) Therefore, we already know they are not in any multiplayer aspects. (Besides Campaign and Spartan Ops.) Even Reach's multiplayer is considered competitive since there are opposing sides. But it is a Social Competitive type of game. Get the point? I am not sad because I can see the problems present with Elites. Those of you who throw a hissy fit over it need to relax and read a western book in a nice cafe. Realize that being an Elite is purely cosmetic. Why is it so bad?
  19. If that's true, my hypothesis will be true.
  20. Sounds like it! (Epic super speed spartans for the win! *Really? Takes a spartan that long to reload a weapon? Never got that*)
  21. I think Zuko has said one thing that made me happy. This is the Progression system. What if the ranking system is totally different from the Progression system? What if Halo 4 has a whole other system for ranking? Keep the hope guys, your giving up is making me sick.
  22. Of course, people forget when they play something for only about a week. I'm sorry to have forgotten and I never "ragged" on your condescending behavior because of such, I just thought that Zuko was mature and knowledgeable enough to debate ranking systems. Heck, he himself admitted he didn't know how Halo 2 was. This argument has settled and been put down. I believe your bringing it back up is not making many happy. Let's leave it behind, and PLEASE, get back to your topic. It will only surely lead to another heated argument with bad manner. Unless you would like mods to lock it? I don't. This topic has, yet, a breath of life within it. I see your point in having a skill based system, and I share your love for competition. I also like how Halo 2 and 3's systems added suspense and actual competition. But I mainly play for fun. Suffice to say, I am sad with Halo 4's Reach-like system, but I can live with it. Perhaps as long as they let us view a BPR or something in-game, we will be happy. Technically, Reach would have been great by your standards if BPR was your rank. Yes? I believe that would have been great, seeing it in-game as your rank. If they matched you based on BPR, you'd be especially happy. Yes? Well, since we don't know every last thing, perhaps we WILL get to see some skill ranking in-game. Maybe its buried in menus like post-game carnage, but it could be there. Let's have some hopes, eh? I'm sure you already had hopes, but let's keep them and not claim and blame Reach at every turn. Let's look ahead.
  23. The assumption that cheating can be stopped by now is truly wrong. If the good guys advance, the bad guys will too. That said, I think that having something to show skill now is more important than thwarting cheaters. I may have seen why Reach was the way it was, but Halo 4 should not follow in it's flawed footsteps. I play for fun, but I can't stand having to log onto waypoint to see my BPR. Just let me see it in game. I feel your pain.
  24. Two new vehicles never seen before? Mammoth and Mantis. That doesn't mean any OLD vehicle won't be coming back. That means we could very well have all past vehicles. I just wish that we get both UNSC aerial vehicles in Halo 4. Having only one leaves a hole where the other role needs to be filled. Halo 3 had many ways of modifying vehicles to your needs, but Reach is missing those.
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