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Everything posted by Ryu♥Hayabusa

  1. Along with the other points made, complaining about being banned doesn't help the situation. It only hurts you.
  2. And "down there" isn't totally destroyed. She still exists on some fragment of some object. I'm sure of it.
  3. I see no need to mention a condescending remark, as the post clearly wasn't meant to convey that kind of tone. Intolerance is already present everywhere. We do not need it here as well. Now, as for Regicide, I believe 343 has decided to integrate it into existing playlists. A dedicated playlist isn't likely to appear anytime soon. Your only hope is to rely on those few playlists.
  4. She still exists. She said so much of her was "down there". The rest is somewhere else. Where?
  5. I. Love. Purple. Hair. Deep Purple.

  6. Granted, and you say "WTF" at the workplace in front of an intolerant superior who fires you. I wish for a real wish.
  7. Dat 1st person assassination. If you ask me, we should be able to do that in Halo 5, stay in 1st person.
  8. Don't spill delicious pink juice on a white shirt. Especially if it's your favorite. You'll die inside.

  9. Lolno. I'll bet Halo wasn't dying anyway. I bet all it'll take is a new console to rejuvenate the fans out there.
  10. I'll get it, but renting servers killed it for me in BF3. Decided to suck it up and got pretty good. Still bothers me. BF4 looks good, but DICE need to have one extra filter option when searching for DICE servers only.
  11. Banned for "Your ban-hammer has no effect." ...TES reference...
  12. The Grandmaster Sensei finally is given the title he had already held over us long ago. May his legend be forever told across the warm sands of this world. Congratulations, Sensei.
  13. Granted, but then the world becomes saturated with money, weapons, and women. It explodes. XD I wish I wasn't grounded from my Xbox.
  14. Wow, I get grounded from my Xbox the day before GTA V came out. Least I've been sneaking and playing it. XD

  15. Blue. :3

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Azaxx


      That's because you're used to the lazy way.

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      If Color is incorrect then why does Google Chrome say "Colour" is incorrect?

    4. Azaxx


      Because its in your region which has American English turned on

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