Some of you...well, all of you really don't give a skeever's tail what I think about. Well, that's too bad. Because that's what you are reading! HAHAHAHA! Well, if you didn't want to, you could leave now, i guess...major hole in that method...If you are still here, I should get down to business.
These threads are all about two of the random and most unlikely topics for any conversation. And I think about them sometimes. As a matter of fact, if any conversation has been held with these topics, I'd be surprised. Mainly because you didn't care anytime before. Why should you now? Okay, the following is what you can expect from each thread I make:
Hello and welcome to: The Things that Keep me Awake at Night, Volume 1.
By: Ryu Hayabusa
Today's topics are all about bugs!
The first topic is:
Do insects feel immense pain when you injure their exoskeletons?
I think about this sometimes. We step on bugs all the time, and think we did the world a favor. What if you slightly missed and only crushed a leg? Happened once, right? Well, do you think that insect felt the same pain a Human does when they break a leg? Do bugs feel that searing pain when their exoskeletons crack? I mean really, what if you just broke the exoskeleton? Will that bug feel the immense pain that we do when we break bones? I doubt any of you have thought of that. Have you ever broken a bone? Sucks right? Think about that next time you...hold on, killing this cockroach...Okay. Think about that next time you kill or maim a bug. Maybe they feel the pain. Hold up, it's twitching...Okay, maybe it's dead now. Like I said, think about it.
This keeps me awake at night.
The next topic is:
Do insects get diseases?
I had cancer once. I wonder if an ant has ever had it too? Have you ever wondered if there is a bug with rapidly dividing cells? That is cancer. I wonder, sometimes, if a bug has ever had the bug flu too. I wonder if they ache all over, and if they get the sniffles. Can a bug sneeze? Can they cough? Do they even get sick? That reminds me, what if a bug had an STD? What a world. If bugs could get those...Have you ever thought that we may not be the only one worrying about this?
This keeps me awake at night.
Thank you, this has been: Things that Keep me Awake at Night, By: Ryu Hayabusa.
Comment and discuss the topics below if you wish. Or just drop a like. Or just say: "HAHA! YOU FUNNY KID! YOU TELL FUNNY JOKE!"