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Everything posted by Ryu♥Hayabusa

  1. Well, I think it's fine. People are like that. They think they can't kill. Humans are timid creatures by nature. Once we figure out we might be able to out smart or overcome something, we become the most violent creature discovered in history. But at first, we are scared. Chief may not sound the same, but I bet his actions will make up for it. We haven't seen enough to really judge. And now, from the books, I think this seems like the Chief I know.
  2. There is a reason jumps are like moon physics. You are a spartan. You can jump that high. Now, the marines in Halo 3 on Tsavo highway? that's just the game making them jump that high across that gap. It is a limitation. Perhaps they all played Basketball in their transport cruisers?
  3. Could be just part of the suit. While I think that it could be a creature, Cortana would have noticed if it was organic. Maybe it is the main controlling part?
  4. I agree. Countdown with that would be a nightmare...hold me. :hug:
  5. I said balance isn't always that. Balance is also making it so two equally skilled players can easily tie with any loadout they choose. Halo 4 evidently does this nicely. Only Halo ce had this balance you refer to. Since everyone had the same model and weapons.
  6. I saw it in the list for primary weapon in a video. Maybe it will be taken out, but AFAIK, it is one. Sadly.
  7. No, sir. The recharge and strength of those two items were different from Spartan to Elite as well. But I didn't say Invasion was bad. It was meant to be as it is. I said that in Halo 3, it wasn't balanced due to the Elite's anatomy. Either way, Halo 4 is doing it right. Just as the very first Halo did.
  8. The available weapons and specializations all counter or balance each other somehow. Balance isn't always making everyone start with BRs. It is: "making it hard to have one of two equally skilled players always win while using different starting weapons." If you catch that without getting lost in that sentence.
  9. If you value balance, how can you say Elites being gone is completely bad? Elites' anatomy is too different from a Human's. That destroys a bit of the balance. One or the other is going to be easier to kill. Now, Elites have been great to play as in Halo 2, but after that, they were a bad balancing issue. Halo: Reach had it right, by making SWAT Spartan only, but to do that In Halo 4, they have to let you have two different species like Reach. And force one on you in many playlists to balance it. This is not a good idea since most playlists need balance anyway. Either you all play Elites, or you all play Spartans. But making this much division to please some players isn't worth it in the long run. That's twice as many playlists to run and keep up. You have to think of some facts, here.
  10. Specifically, how does it help the developers to do this? This is the question that could be answered and would end the pop. debate.
  11. Ahem, smart controls are the way to go. If running, left stick should sprint, but if walking or still, left stick could crouch. That'd be great. Dynamic sprint.
  12. Maybe we will get something better. You can't deny that a better system can be made. Though Halo 3's was fun, I think it can be improved.
  13. It's gonna be longer than any other Halo yet. Which means longer levels.
  14. Maybe you can only delete items you spawn. AND maybe you can only spawn certain numbers of certain weapons for balance?
  15. Elites are gone, but Jet Pack has been balanced. As you know. But Jet Pack was able to be balanced as Elites were not. Which is why they kept it.
  16. Yeah, Halo has Aliens, ancient evils, and had futuristic themes until CoD went that way. But, Halo has so much that CoD doesn't. Like CoD has so much Halo doesn't.
  17. Some news once by Mr. Snazz, with a link, claimed it was only one wall. Maybe it was speculation? Either way, I think it's easily less OP now. But...I think the coolest new feature is Spartan Ops.
  18. No problem. I had the thought once, but I just look towards the good features too much.
  19. Too bad it created extra balance. And that Jet Pack is back.
  20. Even with the recent and unseen limitations placed on it? It only sees through one wall, and has less time, and...other limitations.
  21. Yeah, it'd be cool, but like Doc said, Within the next few weeks, they will go gold. Meaning only bug crushing is happening then. And now, the only thing happening is tweaks. Then, a couple of weeks from release, shipping will begin. Then, release day...I went a bit far then, didn't I? ...Meh, we all do.
  22. I like that armor, but honestly, they always make the hit-boxes the same for all armor. So, if I am hiding, they'll see me, but can't do jack. Until they walk around or jump over...
  23. Yes, you are. I think it is too...horn like to look like one.
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