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Everything posted by Ryu♥Hayabusa

  1. I wish "First Strike!" wasn't like "FIRST strike." Emphasis on the first word and the second is faded? No.
  2. I think they are balanced enough as is. The packages are grouped so that all are appealing enough for it to be a hard trade.
  3. Please return. Why do so many members have to leave? NOOOOOO! Please....
  4. If I were given three minutes to speak aloud in front of the world...
  5. I'm hurt.

    1. ςHϵΑƨϵMΩηεTΞr


      What wrong bud? D: pm me, only if you want to though

  6. My cousin got trolled hard by a scam. This one: Hey, I've just received a free Minecraft Giftcode! You can get one too! >> minecraftcodes.me

  7. Remember, the internet is dangerous. My cousin just got trolled hard for falling for one of those: " Hey, I've just received a free Minecraft Giftcode! You can get one too! >> minecraftcodes.me

  8. I'm sure you know this, but anything about getting things for free, such as this: " Hey, I've just received a free Minecraft Giftcode! You can get one too! >> minecraftcodes.me

  9. I'm sure you know this, but anything about getting things for free, such as this: " Hey, I've just received a free Minecraft Giftcode! You can get one too! >> minecraftcodes.me

  10. Don't forget I was your first friend too! :hug: I have too many people here to list. So, I'm gonna list my best friends. Sykowolf CheaseMonster Mr. Payne (Yeah, I enjoy Mr Payne's company. XD) Victory Element (The True Element. This dude makes all of the good topics.) There we go.
  11. If you guys look at how far you can fall in Reach without dying, you'd see it's farther than you think. Go on Boneyard, jump off of the ship walkway, then look at it in theater mode. From the refinery. It's quite a fall. Spartans can only fall so far.
  12. Major flaw, the d-pad left and right buttons are used to swap grenades. So, you only have two available buttons to use.
  13. It's a Cryptum, but the occupant is unknown.
  14. I hope we don't get a bunch of invincible Wraith hogs in this game.
  15. I pick up the sword, lunge at an enemy and a teammate runs in the way causing me to hit him. -_______- I got booted. After I explained myself. (My best was when I showstopped myself and lived due to lag. He tried to do it, but it let me walk, so I no-scoped him.)
  16. Try one: Cody Super-nailed it. Thanks, bony elbows! Username: Try one: Ryu Hayaqbusa Try two: Ryu Hayabusa All right!
  17. I like the new Halo 4 sections. /discussion.

  18. Well, looks like we got special sections now.
  19. My headset broke. I can have awesome devastators and my bro can use the flimsy black mic.
  20. I was in a Team Snipers Game with my cousin. The enemy said he hated Hemorrhage. My cousin said "You must suck on this map." They guy said "no I just hate it". He got MVP but my cousin head-glitched the whole game just to be funny. End of the game, the guy whined and junk as always. He then messaged me saying I said all of that and that I was head-glitching. After a heated debate on whether it was me or not, my cousin messaged him and told him he did it. The guy kept it up. Finally my cousin got on his random account (No friends, etc.) and told the guy to stop or he would be punished. Let's just say my cousin is dangerous and he knows how to do things. Not dumb things that can get you banned, but complex operations. That guy hasn't been online since. That guy was insane, calling me a squeaker, (I sound older than him, and I have a normal teenager voice, he was about 20 something.) saying that I have no life, saying I fail at life. He told me to stop replying and I did. He then proceeded to keep up. Then he PO'ed my cousin. Getting him banned. I didn't ask for it to happen, but that dude needed it. His messages didn't stop for days. Even when I stopped. People these days...
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