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Everything posted by Ryu♥Hayabusa

  1. Bloom in Reach was totally visual unless you had bottomless clip. It had no point. I saw a vid of Halo 4 that had it as well, but they may take it out.
  2. Well, said. I always play without interruptions anyway. I can't risk my spoiler.
  3. I don't care about all the extras from the LE. I'd love to have them, but I do need that Xbox. And I can't have both. *cough*Mainly because I'd rather have that devastator headset*cough* lol
  4. At least you got your answer. But we are all friends here and calling one of us an idiot is gonna ruffle some feathers. We have plenty of new members who enjoy their stay here. Words were taken the wrong way and things got tense. Least they cooled.
  5. And Halo 4 seems to be doing it right. The bloom is very toned back.
  6. Yeah, we can start with that thing now, can't we?
  7. Listen, just because he knows where to get the answer, doesn't mean he has asked. You coming on here and calling a respected member an idiot right off the bat isn't making you look smart right now. As a matter of fact, it makes you look hypocritical. Actually, you ARE being hypocritical. I'd suggest you calm down and stop playing the victim. Especially while insulting everyone here. Now, as for your answer, no one has the answer. BTW, we already said "we don't know". The only people who do have the answer are 343i. And for that answer, you must go to their site. Just like TsicksSense said. I don't think we are obligated to go ask your question for you over there. You could have already asked and maybe had an answer. Instead, you insist on flaming others here. Be productive. Take your own advice. And try to find the answer. Good day.
  8. Other games do this. Halo would be just tainted by this IMO if it were to happen. Adding this is not necessary and useless as is. People like to play on high difficulties and on Legendary, Marines are useless. It seems cool, but if it happened, you'd rather just shoot the Elite rather than tell a marine to.
  9. It's not only on the DMR and Magnum. See, the sniper also has it's annoying visual bloom from Reach. I would imagine it's like Reach: It doesn't affect it much at all. Still distracting.
  10. SWAT Stockpile on Countdown. I scored every flag we got. And they were all coming from the catwalk to get a flag, and I was just firing away at a wall. Being stupid. They all fell into my bullets. I got an exterm.
  11. I posted a topic about this same idea a while back. It would be a good system, but the problem with account sales, etc is for some reason predicted to be high by others. The XP system that I believe we will have would work fine for one simple fact. If the losses for getting assassinated/assassinating(just an example) are equal, then you are reaping what you sow, and earning what you deserve. (See the loss for a negative action should equal the gain for the corresponding positive action.) There are really no flaws except for one. In objective, if we can still get XP for kills, then boosting will become a problem. 343i Already ban in Reach for this, but people can still do it two or three games a day and get away with it sometimes. Making kills earn no XP would solve all problems except spawn camping in Slayer games.
  12. That would ruin the game for so many reasons. Which is why adding them in isn't a good idea.
  13. There's not gonna be any fighting flood on Halo 4. If you want Flood firefight, just go and play Halo 3's last lever over and over. It's the best you will get. More people want the flood to go away rather than to fight them.
  14. I personally think we can leave it in the hands of the members. If someone is going to ruin things, I'm sure you can get the jist before you go on reading the topic. "So in the end..." I'd stop reading there. Personally, I pop my Halo games in as soon as I get them. I play the campaign as long as possible until I beat it. I don't go onto sites because I am intrigued by the new game and must play it. I can't possibly take a break from the campaign to check in on here. :3
  15. You are not alone. I think they need to make an Indiana Jones playlist as well, but that's another subject.
  16. Look up Halo 2's first E3 gameplay vid. They had combo-melee's. Didn't work out too well for some reason. Point is, if someone is camping in a small cut out, you can walk by, they have you down in one second.
  17. They need more gametypes. Let us play the fun, superfast, superjumping zombie games.
  18. You're friggin awesome. My best bro online.
  19. Well, aren't you a lucky one? Sykowolf will post next. I am 15% sure.
  20. Assassinations are back, Armor Lock is out, we know of: Haven, Adrift, and Longbow. No remakes. Grenades might be the same due to a package being needed to pick them up off of dead bodies.
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