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Everything posted by Ryu♥Hayabusa

  1. That leads to trolls in the lobbies. It's better to just leave and invite the good ones back.
  2. There are stars and Nebulae outside of Galaxies... And Director, where a ship was constructed doesn't seem to explain where it ended up. That cunfuzzles me. :S
  3. That's because it IS an LMG. I think the name fits well. Seriously, Halo can have an SMG and AR, but not an LMG? Explain that one to me.
  4. Sometimes sources aren't checked and are just put there to fool others.
  5. Maybe someone replaces a quitter just seconds after they leave? That way a game can only be losing if they suck. Now, if you get stuck on the losing side, deal with it. The feature isn't being taken out. 343 will go gold soon. There is no time to make changes this big.
  6. Just a heads up, this isn't the official site of 343i. http://forums.halo.xbox.com/ But AFAIK, and as far as anyone is concerned, there are no button combos, nor should there be. It breaks balance. A skill gap may need to be present, but giving advantages to players who know how to press certain buttons really fast isn't balanced and enlarges the skill gap too much. And uh, competitive isn't binded to a set of rules. All game developers can tell you, competitive multiplayer is any multiplayer where there are opposing sides. Casual multiplayer can encompass co-op, or competitive multiplayer. Competitive isn't a defining group between good and bad. Anyone who plays any playlist in the Competitive or Community playlist is competitive. That's just the cold hard definition. What YOU mean by Competitive and Casual is like Ranked and Social playlists in Halo 3, yes? The people who don't quit and try their best? I can tell you, the ranking system should make you want to win, and make you feel like a loser for quitting. With what we know of it, yes. There will be that sense of what you call "competitiveness" in the game again. Rest easy, the BR only has recoil, no Bloom. The DMR does have bloom, but it is so minuscule that you do not have to worry about it. The little "X" shaped markers that you see in the gameplay videos are just hit-markers that tell you whether your shot hit a target or not. Bloom has always been in Halo, but it isn't visible in any Halo before Reach. Remember how you could fire your first AR bullet on target on Halo 3? Then they'd start a small scatter? That's bloom. but it isn't made visible by the reticles. In Halo 4, any bloom is only visible because it shows you how precise your shot will be, not to make your shots scatter more than they should.
  7. Deal with it and enjoy the part of the game you will really be paying attention to. The actual gameplay.
  8. I think Vehicle campers would just get used to it. It isn't really cool when someone practices in Custom Games all day then owns everyone who tries to take them out. It's a flawed idea, but if it was like an overpowering method such as GoW's Lancer duels, it could work. Having them able to knock you off with a single button press is OP itself.
  9. I imagine they might have a special armor for that. Recon has been pillaged with Reach. I doubt Recon is special in Halo 4. Maybe something else.
  10. If I'm not mistaken, Installation 04b was unfinished and therefore, it didn't fire normally. It pretty much just blew up, destroying the Lesser Ark. Although, this isn't known for certain. I think Requiem is just a normal shield world with a secret as always.
  11. The SAW is mainly for suppressing fire, anyway. It's basically a hand-held turret.
  12. So do I. If it is like that, we may not have to worry about quitters as much.
  13. It is a hybrid of Halo 3 and Reach. It is XP driven, and you may be able to rank down for doing bad. All I know is, it is definitely more accurate than the flawed system you love so much. /thread.
  14. I'd stop the superiority act. I may not quit either, but I won't criticize those who do for legitimate reasons. BTW, the drop in/out system may drop someone in right after someone quits. They may prioritize non-full games. Hmm? I had cancer once, and even though the reference wasn't meant in an offensive manner, I still do not appreciate the light use of the word. Cancer is a very serious thing and I very well could have been dead by now had I not been fortunate enough to have it found early. So, please, stop using diseases and conditions as comparisons in these petty arguments.
  15. Yeah, it isn't a flamethrower most likely. I think it is basically a small burst of Promethean energy. It could be a sort of Shotgun, only, this one doesn't bank shots off of walls. It obviously didn't shoot a stream of flame. I don't think the Promethean Pistol is really a conventional pistol anymore.
  16. What's the big deal? This is just a minor thing to add to the experience. Whether it's needed or not, I think all the little things make a game. Such as how the Elites shove the Grunts and how the enemies actually interact with the environment. It isn't needed, but it makes it that much better.
  17. No, jet pack is an Armor Ability. It is kind of like the Reach jet pack, but this one has a LOT less juice. It is pretty much just a boost.
  18. We have no idea what quitting penalties are, and Ranking systems don't decide the penalties. nuff said.
  19. That Cyan spartan...His ankle is messed UP!
  20. Halo 4 should have Halo 4 in it. 'nuff said. And some really complex and creative gametypes.
  21. R.I.P TheDragonSlayer "Found an Ancient Dragon at Level 1"
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