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Everything posted by Ryu♥Hayabusa

  1. Granted, but it froze permanently. I wish for nothing but the best for all of my forum friends here. (Corrupting that will make you sad, I know it, but you have to!)
  2. Granted, but you are crushed under all the weight. I wish for the ability to fly.
  3. I, at this very moment, vow to achieve 30 days of time logged onto this site. I vow to do this legitimately, without cheating. For anyone who has already achieved this, stop smirking, and keep the comment to yourselves! Ryu is sensitive! XD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      What did the monkey say when he got his tail cut off? Not long now!!! :)

    3. Church


      Go for it Ryu! And it's k, I've been here longer and have less time online :P

    4. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      :o a day more and I'll get it
  4. >: O Banned for intentional disregard for mah pretteh letterz!
  5. If Forge disappeared, I'd expect the least accepted additions to go too. *glares at Loadouts, Support upgrades, and Tactical packages*
  6. Much like the Forerunners, I think the flood will return. Their answer is at hand.
  7. ODST was beautiful, mix that with Halo 3, and I'd pay double for Halo 5.
  8. Reminds me of my Drop Surge Idea, except this one can be thrown around without endangering yourself. I like it. A lot. How about a name? Man..."Pulse Grenade" would have been perfect for this...damn you, 343.
  9. Gaming has become too serious. Humanity, too spoiled. I think I enjoy the old Playstation 3 more than my 360 now. Mainly because of God of War and Little Big Planet. XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maestro


      Go back a few generations, to the years when storyline prevailed and graphics were the icing on the cake!

      Except for Ninja Gaiden, that trilogy is absurdly difficult. Play Chrono Trigger. :D

    3. GryffinGuy007


      Space Invaders - Where all the seriousness that you once had, gets completely thrown out the window.

    4. Ryu♥Hayabusa
  10. I have no problem with future consoles. I don't care, but I think the Xbox ONE will provide a better experience. Therefore, I am buying for Xbox ONE. Microsoft may be money hungry, but people go too far in looking for more reasons to call them money hungry if you ask me.
  11. Got in a clan for fun. They...lol. So much lol, I had to quit.

  12. Assuming you die, you know what that enemy used and where he is headed. With said knowledge, you can easily pick your engagements in an educated manner. Assuming the match has just begun, you should use Promethean Vision to scout the enemy's direction and weapons. Same goes for a JiP. If you aren't able to see their weapon clearly enough, cancel the scan and get closer. If you still can't, invest in an HDMI cable. XD But seriously, PV solves this problem easily enough. As does a single and wisely expended death. Alternatively, if you hate PV and don't want to die, use Thruster Pack with Mobility to pop out and get hit with his weapon once or twice. Thruster Pack should get you right back into cover while Mobility will allow you to escape if you need to. By doing this, you have avoided dying and don't have to use PV. Heck, you can try without TP as well, but make sure you have mobility for escape if the situation sucks. Attack does not have to end with the defeat of a side. It can end in retreat.
  13. My cousin moved in with us. If you ever game with me, beware. He uses a full vocabulary...as do I.

  14. People complain they pushed too hard, people complain they didn't stay on track. I complain that I can't have it now. Hell, nothing's perfect and we are not who decides the new features or limitations on their console. Even if the consumer is important, the consumer's complaints are always a wide spectrum of things. The best thing to do is to balance your audience. I have given up trying to care what others think. I like it, and I will meet others who do when I sign in to Xbox LIVE. 'Nuff said.
  15. I'm a bit rusty, but even after getting pwn'd 5 times in a row, I still get another team of guys who all know how to perfectly bank grenades and 4-shot no matter what I do. The update attempted to balance the game, but I think it threw off the variety of playstyles. I love the BR, but it's being used too much to feel right anymore. Since when did Settler become a BR map? Since when did my team get spawn killed in BTB? Call it balanced all you want, but something's wrong in my opinion.
  16. My cousin spent the night. His mother went on a frenzy wanting him home. He leaves as I go to sleep. I wake up, he's still here. Whut happened?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Frankenzer


      Mothers are always protective -_-

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Except when they're my mother. Then they don't really care, they just want to mess your day up.

    4. TheOneWhoSeeks


      Bit Off Topic But PLEASE READ


      Promeathean Vechles (sorry 'bout spelling): First, I like to introduce the octopus.

      based on a banshee, the octopus has four long beams coming out of the cockpit on either side . The beams retract when the octopus boosts and lands. on each bean, it has a suppressors that shoots forwards and has great accuracy and damage. At the front of the cockpit, it has a homing pulse rocket that does a lot of damage.


      The Demon: The Demon is a re...

  17. I agree. Takes more skill to sneak up on the enemy than to buy Turtle Beach's and listen for them. And it's more fair too. Many people have hearing impairments. The Motion Tracker helps even out the playing field.
  18. Don't have important conversations with the Xbox plugged in. No power = no eavesdropping.
  19. They could at least show us some indication of whether or not they plan to use Smartglass.
  20. Well, I have some respect for them still, but I don't like how Xbox gamers are being treated. Give us acknowledgement, Bungie!
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