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Everything posted by Ryu♥Hayabusa

  1. Banned for leaving evidence and then claiming there is none.
  2. When was this revived? Hell, M$ never guaranteed un-ending online services so there is nothing owed.
  3. Even the "easy life" is a hard one. Life in general is never easy. And it never shall be.

    1. Minuette
    2. Ryu♥Hayabusa


      You always disagree. XD

      The Human race, in genreal, is in peril. It is not going to be easy to get back into a stable state. I mean, is working your *** off all day, paying bills, or dealing with day-to-day problems ever easy?

    3. Maestro


      @ Minuette: You're talking to the protagonist of one of the toughest game series ever.

  4. I do believe ordinances should get better over the course of a match. Meaning the first one would be nades and maybe speed boost, the second, a Needler/Concussion Rifle/Railgun/other powerups, third, Rockets/Splaser/IC/FRG. No matter how many assists you get, you'd never get that third one if you were bad.
  5. I spelled something wrong just now. :c

  6. That sounds pretty neat. I like it. It's like CoD's bots meet Drivatar.
  7. Banned for having the letter C at the beginning of your username instead of B, which could easily make you a BOSS, but instead you decided to be Caboose, easily mistaken by the general public as the tail end of an old, squeaky train.
  8. Banned because I wanted to ban the person above for no reason.
  9. Bungie may have created Halo, but they lost every ounce of my respect after this. Not because Playstation gets exclusive content, but because not only are they making fun of microsoft, they are hurting their most faithful fans. I've even scratched out the Bungie Logo on all of my Halo cases. Don't care to discuss it either.
  10. They need a Slayer playlist for classic settings. Then they need an infinity Playlist for Evolved settings. Don't mash them up. That's stupid.
  11. My blood sugar just plummeted because I just finished watching every episode of MLP:FiM. Help me!

    1. Azaxx


      Blood Sugar, good song.

    2. BaconShelf
  12. Banned for not having a Top 15 award. Those things should really come back, though. Little things like that connected this place more and made it feel like a real community. I know hardly anyone has the time, but it'd be great to have the little things like this back...
  13. Doing something 24/7 makes it boring. Take some breaks.
  14. I just *sniffle* found out that the...*sniffle* hug smiley *sniffle* is back! *cries tears of joy*

  15. i would thank the gods for showing me how to *not* mess up with that one girl.
  16. I wish the shoutbox was consistent. Sometimes people are on, sometimes others are on. Sometimes, I really hate to look at the dang thing.

  17. I don't know about you guys, but I think delving into symbolic meanings is useless. I bet even 343 didn't mean to have any deep symbolic meaning in that trailer. I think it was just Chief really pissed and happy for something to take it all out on.
  18. Some people take things a little too seriously. Like my status update yesterday. Have light hearts, people.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Azaxx


      Still doesnt cover it :'(

    3. Ryu♥Hayabusa


      You still in pain? I'll do anything!

    4. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Some people


      Just dont understand anything


      Until it is slapped into them

  19. In order for it to get better, 343 has to stop tuning weapons every time someone whines because they can't use the weapons correctly. I was really skilled at Halo 4 before the weapon tune. I was a demon with a BR. Not anymore. I mean, I still play, but I hate this damn update.
  20. When it comes to bugs and glitches, by all means, listen to them. Changing weapons back and forth because someone wants to use them wrongly is wrong.
  21. Banned for getting blood on me. Blood that was not released by my blade.
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