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Everything posted by Ryu♥Hayabusa

  1. I almost didn't know how to reply to you. I almost...this argument is useless. Truce?
  2. *343 removes armor lock* Whut nowz? It is simply to make gameplay that much more exciting in that, you have no idea if that guy will armor lock your nades or what.
  3. How is being shot out of the air while jet-packing cheap and nooby? AA's have their faults. When you look through that wall, you announce your position to everyone. When you fly up in the air, you can't maneuver as well as on foot. When you engage active camo, you announce your position. Skill is needed. Classic is just as cheap as modern. Classic: rockets/grenades and snipers rule. No easy evasion. Modern: Skilled AA users can counter these weapons and cause a need for more sniping practice. But the AA's have faults. Your argument is not fact and can be disputed and disproved. AA's are no more cheap and nooby than your Classic rockets, grenades, and snipers.
  4. The reason Bungie decided to make AA's in the first place was because you can experiment with it and still have it for later to use. Limited use would bring the old problem of wasting it accidentally back again. 343 seems to agree with what Bungie did. As do I. Please tell me how AA's un-balance the game. Jetpack: can fly above to confuse but hinders movement. Thruster Pack: can evade and charge at enemies but cant use it frequently and must aim movement or catastrophic failure(Epic Fail) can occur. They seem balanced to me. The AA argument is a weak one at any rate, no matter where it is or who is arguing. They are there, and balanced. 343 simply will not take them out or return to the Halo 3 method. They will only further balance them. Yes. Exactly.
  5. Your opinion here can be disputed widely. Armor Abilities add more skill to the game as well as taking some original skill from it. I could just as easily say that classic gameplay is "cheap and nooby". Please do not reference your opinions as if they are fact.
  6. Thank you! I really don't understand why people are so worried about the ranking system. I posted this in hopes that it would calm the folks down. Why would a rank matter anyway? So a few newbies think you're awesome. What does that get you in real life unless you are in MLG? It may create a reason to play, but Reach's ranks and armor were enough to get me hooked.
  7. Yes. That's what I said in the first post.
  8. @nramanan I know that. I played it since day one. That doesn't mean that it isn't an option they could use. @Tomakazi I said that you have an overall rank that goes up like Reach's. No skill needed for it. It is used to judge what you can unlock, etc. Then you have an individual rank for each playlist. These could be either numbered or not, but they will go up or down according to how you play. Numbers aren't the only thing that can go up or down.
  9. This seems like a useless post... Biggles, I understand your concern. I feel the same way. Well, except for the movement speed. I think that looks fast enough to me. I mean, it looks a lot faster than Reach. Other than that, I guess we will see when we get to play.
  10. ulcer inducing bacteria from Sanghelios...
  11. There is supposed to be a mix of the two ranking systems. Halo 3 and Halo: Reach. Only 16 players per match. And no, custom games random joining would not be possible with the way they do things. They could add it, but I doubt they will.
  12. You would get tired of the same gameplay over again. That's why CoD has grown stale. Halo has to evolve. I'm sorry but you are making a point that even Bungie themselves put down. Halo: Reach was everything Bungie ever wanted for Halo. 343 is only improving it from what we saw at the E3 conference. And calling people dumb because they appreciate that we get another game that isn't a repeat is just dumb in and of itself. At least we get another Halo. 343 could have let it die. They didn't be happy we get another. At least it won't be stale. Get over it. Excuse me for being blunt as well. I am just tired of the constant whines on it.
  13. November nao would be nice. I just hope that my idea is similar to what they do.
  14. I thought the Didact killed the Timeless One? Or someone did? Or did they? I'm not sure, but since this is a whole trilogy, I imagine they find a way to extend her life a bit.
  15. They are called Promethean Knights. I'm sorry, but even on Waypoint it is called a Promethean Knight. It could just mean it was created by Prometheans, but it is called a Promethean Knight.
  16. Honestly, I seriously lost my source. So hard to find it...
  17. Yay! Hugs for all! *Ahem*...Yes, I agree.
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