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Everything posted by Ryu♥Hayabusa

  1. This Azaxx quote in my sig is proving quite useful.
  2. I was going to get one anyways. I'm not a big fan of the PS gamepad, and Microsoft has always been good to me and my family personally. We always have had great customer service. That's probably not the average testimony, but it's mine all the same. Xbox has always been my console and it always will be. I may get a PS4 in the future just for some cool exclusives, but I have a freaking HTC Windows Phone. What use is that without an Xbox?
  3. Azaxx has just proved himself superior, as he always claimed to be. No denying it anymore. Just accept it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BaconShelf
    3. Axilus Prime
    4. Ryu♥Hayabusa


      It's mostly a joke. >.<

      Check my sig for a great quote he made. This is what I am commending him for.

  4. I'd be happy with any remake of Halo 2. I mean, as was stated earlier, they have to spend more money to run more servers just for a new H2 multiplayer. It doesn't make sense from their perspective. If they did do it and it had hundreds of thousands of players, they'd probably cry...
  5. What I am saying is, I don't understand whether you care or not. You lay an opinion out, then another that makes your view...hard to understand. So far I'm thinking you mean that it was expected and people should be quiet about it?
  6. Well, those are the only things I can think of to make Campaign better without over-saturating it with features classic fans would hate.
  7. Problem is, you better not miss a single shot. The BR can and has killed a whole team in two bursts for me. I guess it all comes down to needing gametypes like AD says.
  8. Silence fills the empty grave, now that I have gone. But my mind is not at rest, for questions linger on. I will ask, and you will answer. Did you think me defeated? You are machine and nerve, but you are deluded. Your kind thinks to have won the war, but the initial cause of our recent conflict is still a danger you all so blindly ignore. The construct you call Halo, the construct thought to have dug my grave, is still present. One and it's replacement are but dust and echoes, yet hushed whispers linger in abandoned libraries. Shelves and archives still keep fresh the foe your forefathers saw fit to sacrifice themselves to destroy. A fool's gambit, in the end. I am a monument to all of their sins, and my answer is at hand! Who here would dare deny my existence? I am a firm believer that the Flood will return. What say you? I believe there are plenty of possibilities. Remember those creepy Pure forms from Halo 3 that could walk on walls? Perhaps some flood forms reside in the walls and jump out when they detect you nearby. Perhaps some Elite combat forms still have use of their Active Camouflage modules. Maybe even aerial Flood could make an appearance. Do you want the Flood back? Do you have an idea for the Flood? Let's hear it!
  9. We just need smarter AI and more of the emotional moments of few words. The music wasn't quite tuned right to the emotions at times and that killed some emotion throughout the game. We just need those three things. Smart AI, Emotional moments, and proper music to enhance it. The ending was just about the only real emotional moment I had.
  10. One sided polls are severely opinionated polls. I just look past the opinions and replace them with my own.
  11. I can see how the Carbine would overpower the DMR at close range, but other than that, the BR would probably beat it due to the 3 round burst. That said, I would have to hope the Light Rifle stays out due to it's sheer power at long range and easy 3 round burst. I can kinda see where the Carbine would be a bit OP, but I'd like to see it in action before I judge it.
  12. I have to say no for all this spree nonsense. The whole reason ordinances were added was to help less skilled players gain a slight edge on the battlefield. And honestly, your first ordinance is almost never a Rocket Launcher unless you are on BTB. The system isn't as random as you think. The first couple of ordinances are usually small compared to the third and fourth. That alone gives good players an advantage even with bad players getting ordinances. And honestly, the system does keep some movement going. While you do have some teams holding off areas, it's better than the elevator and sword camping from Halo 3 on Construct. And certainly better than the spawn killing on Asylum when the enemy team fawns over the power weapon spawns. Halo 4 may have a couple of maps with camping areas, but ordinance helps the losing team clear them out with rockets and buckshot. Prevents the enemy team from keeping you from having any chance of killing them.
  13. Not to mention Halo: Spartan Assault being on Windows 8. It's a step in that direction...
  14. Seeing as they are made of superheated plasma, and that the Plasma Rifle and Pistole have different colors, Any color they can afford!
  15. Dat pistol. Bungie's main fanbase is on the Xbox, but they have to win those Sony bros too.
  16. Banned for being the first to guess mah riddle answer right!
  17. I agree, although the first games weren't mostly story driven at first, the books really made the stories stand out. If you ask me, Halo eventually evolved into more of a story than just "shoot and go". After replaying the trilogy, I see what part of the story each game had to tell. However, recently, the games have had less need for books or extra media to tell the story of the universe. There is no less shooting, but somehow the game got worse? I see no reason to think so.
  18. Even though you both got it right, Axilus Prime did post it first... Axilus Prime~2 Ryu♥Hayabusa~1
  19. I am a relic of an age long past. My name is unknown, but I have been seen by your eyes. I was crafted with lethal intent, and share a similarity with one of your favorite Grifball tools. Sadly, I was not enough to stop the parasite, and so, my official name may never be known... Tell me what this tool is and bring it rest! GO!
  20. For a serious post, no text format. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Anyone who says nay shall be silenced! (Naw, you have your opinion and I have mine! )
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