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Everything posted by Ryu♥Hayabusa

  1. Yes I have. I can tell you aren't an easy one to get along with since you seem to like to post comments like that. We haven't played the game. A true fan can respect it until they have the game in the disc tray.
  2. read the really long sig.
  3. Ryu♥Hayabusa


    I've been wanting it just for the sole purpose of finding out how I died. What if someone is cheating? I'd like to know to avoid them.
  4. CoD didn't invent any of the things that people are saying are turning Halo into CoD. Sprint was Super Mario Bros. Iron Sights was like...Doom or something. The debate is stupid. CoD is getting dull with no new changes to the gameplay to me. That's why i mainly play Halo.
  5. Why would you buy that many copies? Seriously...But no, I would doubt they'd be DLC. Bungie didn't make theirs DLC.
  6. Why would you buy that many copies?
  7. Incorrect. Y'all can't assume something and make it out to be fact. True and loyal Fans can respect and understand the changes and love the game for what it is.
  8. I like it. I think it sets them apart from the hulking Spartan II, which it should. I think it looks pretty cool, actually. Besides, Spartans are soldiers, not supermodels. Be happy we even get another Halo. Be happy we get more armor customization. Be happy we get it in only 5 months.
  9. My quote: "A true and loyal halo fan will always understand and respect the decisions made by the makers. They will at least try the game. I have never had a single complaint about a Halo game. I have no complaint now. I loved all Halos. I even loved REACH. Just as much as Halo 2. Halo has to evolve. Bringing back Halo 2 and 3 multiplayer would be the same as CoD. It gets to be the same thing over and over. Halo is not making that mistake. As a true and loyal fan, I love every aspect of Halo 4 so far and of every Halo so far. I will never leave Halo in the dust." ~Me. There are too many who say that they will be done with Halo if it isn't like Halo 2 or 3. They aren't fans at all. They just want gameplay. Those old days are long gone. if you want them back, play the older Halos instead. It is 2012. CoD hasn't changed as much as Halo has in it's whole lifetime as Halo has in five years. I believe each change has been for the better. 343i will only keep the true fans while gaining more. This is as it has always been. Those who started playing over ten years ago and still do today with no complaints, they are the true fans. I am proud to be one of them. Can anyone here say the same? (I hope so.)
  10. Armor lock is OUT!!! 343 said it was unbalanced. Therefore Hardlight Shield isn't an armor lock mock up.
  11. Limited. Nothing Higher will be made. $100.
  12. The forerunners built these shield worlds and they may have been able to utilize a couple. We don't know. The threat could be that, or the fauna/flora of the world. But it is smart. Really, I have no Idea, I am of the mind that it is forerunner or native species'.
  13. Would be nice, but boosting is a bad problem with those. My ranking idea above, you could farm and crap for your SP if you found a way, but boosting in a playlist will only get you raped by good players if you do boost, since the individual playlist rankings don't count for your overall rank. It's an OK idea that I spent a couple of hours working out. Could be something better, we just don't know it yet. My idea is just an idea and 343 probably have some nice thing in store for us.
  14. You get nine extra maps. Three future DLC's...armor and weapon skins, a 90 min. video, and other digital goodies. I think they are useful. AND there are good pre-order bonuses for different retailers. I'm getting the Arctic BR and forest skin bonuses. I'd like this type of ranking system: You have an overall rank for buying crap and junk. Y'know, for overall ranking. Then you have a Halo 3 style rank for each playlist that matches you up with players of similar skill. That way you get no teammates who go and get killed every two seconds if you are of adequate skill. Or no epic players who rape everyone in FFA.
  15. Interactive objects like switches and crap. Just attach it to an object(Invisible line like in LBP) and choose a function from a list. Then choose function options. This probably will never make it but still, I want it.
  16. Weird. Seriously it would be weird. I have KINECT so i'll try it when it comes out.
  17. Yeah. You guys think that it creates lag and it could if the ENGINE WASN'T BETTER WHICH IT IS!!! This engine is definitely better because if it was worse then we wouldn't buy the game. I think more people per game is a good idea as well. You guys have to think, the reach engine can handle 40 ai so it could probably handle 32 players. BUT this is a better engine so you guys need to quit playing "know-it-all" and think.
  18. Aight. Nobody thinks about this crap. Yes. Pelicans should be usable and i like the transport and land idea. Pelican: So i think the pelican can be destructible. You guys think that it's powerful but a banshee can take it down.(YES THEY CAN!!! The games make them indestructible but really a banshee can take them down) Really it's just a bulky crappy but awesome thing to have. And the gun could just be like the warthog turret and hornet rocket. BOOM! I made it into a potential thing. Transport vehicles: Yes now this is a good idea too. I think there could be a HUGE use for this. Now they SHOULD do the whole "all falcon seats usable" thing. i think it's retarded when you have something like the falcon or even the scorpion for that matter with unusable seats. I thought the transport hornet was awesome but they just threw out the transport idea. I hope 343 can do better with this. Malleable land: YES THANK GOD SOMEONE SAID SOMETHING!!! I love this idea(though the other two come first). I'm tired of having to use up all my objects to cover those freaking corners and dips in land to make my maps! I think a circle marker and pull up would be easy to put in considering that TES Construction set has it. You know we could just pull our land up or down with the bumpers for an easy system. I also want digging capabilities. I'm tired of using up all of my rocks to make a cave ABOVE the ground instead of just "digging" a cave. Thank you if you read all of that. LOL
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