This is the Official Facts and Rumors thread for all Halo 4 related items.
To stop lots of threads about news on halo 4 I have decided to create this thread to host all the halo 4 news
Tells us halo 4 news here!
Facts confirmed about halo 4:
It is set on sigma 7
new armor for the chief
A new pistol type grenade launcher
Possible halo 4 facts:
possible spartan allies as blue team is stuck on the planet.
Tell me some more halo 4 facts and news or correct my facts.
This is a quote from the official 343Industries Website;
"While we are testing Halo 4 code, gameplay, and systems at significant scale to get excellent data, input, and feedback, we are focused on polishing and shipping our experience for the duration of the year, and splitting resources to manage and build a beta is not on our schedule,".
After a lot more speculation, Microsoft released this statement;
"We plan to test both gameplay and code features rigorously and at a meaningful scale throughout the course of 2012 to ensure a great experience at launch, but we have no plans for a public multiplayer beta for Halo 4."
These two legitimate statements confirm the non existence of a Halo 4 Beta. There will not be a public beta released to the public, only invitees will be asked to test the game just before release. Some including MLG pros.
As saying that, read this post before making your own, as it's a waste of time asking when this topic denies the exist entirely.
Thanks to Azaxx for providing me with this information.