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Everything posted by Darkassassin

  1. Sorry i axidentaly posted before i finish Well the zombies are mor stupi on the day so it dint gets so dificult but you have to be cuayet and watch aut for alarms and things like that. l got some problems like it is going a be a FPS or a 3 person game that afects the multiplayer, It is NEw york okay or i need a biger city When you finish of explore the city do you think that you must can explore other cities. And i your house you have the guns and the munitions are unlimited but when you get out you can carry only some guns and some munitions. Ther still being some survivors but thei take position of some places like the police station.
  2. Hey y have an idia for a game of zombies. i am Mexican so i dont speak very well inglish and please tell me if you think is good, bad, or what I have not decided the name but i am working on it, It is in USA. you start two months before the infactions propagates in New York there is were you live. You know that there is a secret subterrain laboratory that gets some troubles witha a virus and in two months they are going to see what happened there So You have a free campaing but not so free you have two months before the Infection reaches New york so you can buy the weapons the food fortificate your home etc, You live in a big haouse so you can have alot of things you dont have family THen when almost evrybody in New york is dead you play as a grandtheft auto but with zombies obusley they dont drive or anithing like that. but you can play as free in the city.You can look for food, you have to eat and things like that. Now you need to eat, sleep and things like that so in part is like a SIM. That dificults that you can explore te hole city very Fast.
  3. If you have a new map and you dont know if it is good i am your man i can test it tell you the errors wat you can add all that you want to know about your maps. My gamertag is nob1e6117 send me a mesage let me test the map and i tell you what you want. STOP And all that i want is that in the description add: Tested by nob1e6117 :construction:testing a MAP
  4. So if there esxists other halos th flood still being a problem
  5. I supose that the foreruners create the precursores but then the precursors turned bad and thing that al living thingas must be exterminated so they disapear, The precursors in their ¨base¨ create the most powerful biogolical weapon the flood, that only infect organic things and they send it to the foreruners. If you agree tell me if you dont tell me if you have another idia tell me
  6. And the thing about the campaing was that i would like in a strategy game is that you make the campaing that the IA just put some situations like that the enemy is going to go somewere or atack somewere and you can choos if you are going to send troops or waht. so you make your own campaing. BUt you have the reason the histori in a game is the most important thing
  7. SOrry i los the idia for the one of 'Cine' and you were tring to say that i must speack in spanish?
  8. A good idia SPEAK WITH CORTANA by the mike
  9. I think you should start by creating and diainging the island because you have the idia and is a very good idea. and for campaing you dont really have to make a story because as you can see in halo wars the missions are very especific with an objective and in other strategy games you dont play a campaing. I have an idia for the campaing but befor answerme if you speak spanish so i can discribe it beter
  10. For grunts in some places say that they dont have enough (calcio) to form other extremities for a flood form
  11. I have some idias but i cant describe them very well because how i alredy sai it i am mexican so i want to know if you speak spanish
  12. i dont know if it is good but i think it is i want to know if you think is good and i am mexican You can play as in a FPS but in a really big world like forge world anth there are many buldings such one can be for red vs. blue videos other for your spartan and thinks like that a good one is a halo weapons sloon and you can choose a weapon and have information abot it. For the red vs. blue videos like in the movies with alot of saloons to see each video and things like that with a planetary holograms of ships etc. i think it is really good and it can be beter if its lika a public area with a multyplayer game tipe that in a building ther can be more persons it can be named THE HALO WORLD please tell me if you thin it is good or if i have a mistake please tell me
  13. Sargent JHONSOn he is very funy and i like peoplo black with weapons and noble 6
  14. My gamertag is created in base of a clan that i have the Darkasasins :2guns: :police:
  15. I know that you are not thinkin in go and present the game to somone but it is a really good idia you got a lot of concepts i mean basic consepts but if you work hard in this it can get real.aND I DONT THINK THAT A fps FOR PC IS A GOOD IDIA BECAUSE THE CONTROLS ARE NOT VERY EASY BUT FOR MACS you can conect a xbox control but thats the same that a xbox game no? i have some ideas if you want to messagme for something just doit
  16. If donts mater i think that a godd idia is that you can choos a unit from the batle ground and play as it as a fps :2guns:
  17. The desert eagle The shut guns AND MY FAVORITE THE SNIPER RIFLE :2guns: :police:
  18. Here is the mine. I wnt to my cousins house and my uncle put us the game it was new for us i saw the game before bot i dont were interested until i play comin back to my hause i buy the game but we only play multiplayer i didnt know the campaing until i playit on my house
  19. Hey ininite lulz that is a great idia and i am not English i am mexican i dont know if you speak spanish but werever me too think in a strategy game but i never think in the idia that you can play also in first person some times and that afects alot because the IA has a determinated presision and the IA knows if you are going to loose or not but you dont know so if you can became to de one that is going to make the mision is going to be mor eficient like if you send a sniper you can have beter presicion mesage me my gamertag is nob1e6117.
  20. an idia for somthing that al wee want to: ThAT we can talk with CORTANA by the mike but not that the IA of cortana were just 100 phrases wow not that is so ***ing bad that you can speak really with her like with a human but with alot of information about halo and etc. what do you tell???
  21. YEAA an think with posibilities of infection in this map :2guns: :police:
  22. Heeeyyyy i hate that i need to spend alot of time seeing and looking for a special topic and if it doesnt exists i need to create a new topic and its something inesecary. So here i want to you and me to post al the great idias that you have like forge matchmaking campaing etc. EVRITHING BUT i am goin to start with this mmmmm. sorry if there exists somthing related :I wold like to.: Speak with cortan by your MIke or that we can be as a spartan on CINE sorry i am mexican and that is going to be as if you freez time so you can make funny or creative fotos. but you cant afect the video. :guitar:
  23. I have alot of ideas for tournaments. They can be annual or every month. Having sniper awards, DMRs awards, etc. that can be annual. But every month can be a tornament of these types or they send you a message for tournaments. I would like that the games were online because I live in Mexico and if it is in the USA, forget it. You can win credits or other things like that. The tournaments should be free to sign up for and that can help with the clans for publicity. My clan "The Clan Company of Two", and yes we are two members, but whatever. I don't know if you agree but please post to help my idea out. Spartan'117, I have done my best to help translate the intent of your OP. Hope I did it justice. Absolute Dog
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