You probably should've put your post on a general discussions page rather than the clan recruitment, you aren't leading a clan or looking to join one so I would move the post now.
I read it and I've already registered on your website, if you havnt alredy figured, I'm from NZ and it's pretty late here so I'm gonna get some shut-eye and try get on when I can. One thing I can recomend though is if your a community, find people that love to forge. I'll c u online 2moro GT
NZ Sol
I see things you've posted very similarly, You've got good ideas. Youre clan will definitely be a top pick if enough effort goes into it. I'm leading a team of about 9 members but do you think I could join you guys, preferably with some responsibility. I'm on as much as I can be and I'm a loyal xbox Gamer, I've already preordered halo 4 limited so if that's a requirement, I'm already on it.
Ok, cryo, stop replying to souls, and souls, stop arguing only a few people know your clans and that's that, let people believe what they want to believe and for the record, I did face you and I did thrash your score in BTB.
Did it ever occur to you that, 1) I dont battle you because I don't have a clan,
And 2) because I can't be stuffed dealing with the likes of you I have better ways of using my time. Also if you would like to think back, I faced you in a game of slayer and guess what. I thrashed your score. All you would think of doing is hiding behind your own team so u could survive