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Everything posted by SterkOks

  1. También espero que traer de vuelta las granadas incendiarias (here we're just saying that we want the Firebomb grenades, or incendiary grenades to be brought back)
  2. Something that would be good is to choose the type of material such as brick, wood, stone and so on. for walls and stuff This is what translates. That is a great idea sir!
  3. Grunt Ultra, BOIIIII

  4. I was reading off your options, I was going yes, yes, YES, YES!!! I kept getting louder with every one of them..... One I don't like is Forge World has too many problems now, I mean I love the idea that it's one big map but you should be able to name the regions (I think that's what you meant by regions) and change the colour so that Hemmorhage finally looks like the original Blood Gulch, and besides, rather than one big map with a holy ton of deathzones and kill areas, why not just give us the full ring? That way, we wouldn't have to deal with accidentally going out of the safe areas, we could use waaay more, and we could even get spaceships (your idea for unsc frigate vs covenant carrier, INSIDE the ring?) to cross. And I know what you're thinking: This is so stupid, the game would be so laggy if you did this! NOT IF WE HAD THIS! A loading screen that pops up and that way you only have to load one little segment of the ring at one time, and that way you could make little transporters to get to a certain segment really quickly, plus you wouldn't need to make any kind of kill areas or shields (except the edges) and we could have waaay more space to edit. Also, it would be cool to be able to terraform the maps you make, as in hit a button and be able to sculpt rocks, the ground, stuff like that in stead of having to deal with the maps that are there where they are either flat or whichever hills and bumps Bungie made them, we could pick where it goes down, where that hill should be, stuff like that! Also included in the terraforming category should be things to make trees, plants, rocks, dirt, sand, things like that. PS I LOVED YOUR IDEAS FOR UNDO AND GROUPING (you called it "Glue") Undo would come in handy sooo often! And grouping two or more items together would make it so that you could make a base and have it as one object, so you didn't have to move each piece and take forever!
  5. Dude as long as Swat, Snipers, and Squad Slayer stay the same and don't have any changes made I'm happy. But these updates are way too far from what Bungie took time to develop, and I'm not happy about that.
  6. The only one's I really care about are the skulls. I freakin' love love LOVE that they hid skulls! I hope there are the full 13, but rather than Cowbell I'd like Sputnik to make a return, that one was fun to get and had a great name. also, SKULLS YES SKULLS YEAH SKULLS YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!
  7. I think it would be cool to finally see what happened to Jun and Dr. Halsey. And it's still my favourite line in the entire Halo campaign: "Good luck, rifleman" HAHAHAH Kuz Jun is a sniper not a rifleman!!!! heeeheeeeheeeeeeee!
  8. I'm not so sure about all the characters you listed. The reason why Bungie let people play as Elites is because they had the same shielding as Spartans. You wouldn't be able to play a grunt because it's so short, so uncoordinated, and it doesn't have shields. Unless you want to have everyone as grunts playing sway, you can't do that. You couldn't make the character a jackal because you couldn't controll the shield and gun at the same time with your controller. I think if they made Brute's shields recharge and make it so you can't shoot their armour off it would be possible to play as that but again that's pushing it. The vehicle thing is a great idea but think about this: Who's going to want to only drive the phantom, and not be able to kill anyone? Who's going to stay in the vehicle instead of fighting. That's all I'm saying. Also I don't think it would be a good idea to let people drive or pilot the corvettes, or supercarriers, because a lot of those would make the game laggy as crap. The Scarab would have to be only a crew driving one as one team and a crew driving a second as the other team, and have that be some kind of a gametype. Otherwise noone would be able to survive the barrage of the Scarab, and the ones in it would instantly win. The Vulture is a great idea, keep that going. I think people also want to be able to fly in space, somewhat like the 6th campaign mission of Reach, but be able to choose which side (or at least two teams one unsc one cov) and have an inside are where you can pick something like a UNSC version of the Banshee, Seraph, and Space Phantoms, then fight like that. Most of what you said is pretty much unintelligible, I hope I covered all of it but you have a few good ideas spread out through poor planning and spark of the moment things. Some of the things would really work, but some just have flaws.
  9. This is stupid. THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF HALO REACH WAS THAT THE GUNS WERE OLD AND THAT YOU HAD TO TIME YOUR SHOTS. I absolutely hate the no more bloom stupidity. You're taking away the major core of the game that we were all excited about when HR came out. It's absolutely stupid that idiots can't slow the hell down and actually hit the target, if you can't do it then don't play stop whining and complaing about "Waaaaah I can't kill him because he knows how to play the game and I don't!" And as for the newbs who whine about Armour Lock? It's supposed to be op! Stop whining about it and learn to wait untill it runs out! I hate these updates, they're all worthless, and I want my bloom back.
  10. I don't know about adding fire but terraforming would be awesome. More than just water, add rocks, grass, sand, dirt, trees, stuff like that. This would be freakin' epic.
  11. I think they should have a blank room like Foundry come back, definitely not make 5 maps into one (it was a great idea at first but there are a lot of problems) and be allowed to terraform, like press a button and make hills and valleys, lakes, etc in the stead of adding rocks and trying to make them all flow without bumps and holes.... it's a real issue..... also be able to add things like grass, trees, water, things of that nature as well as remove certain in map things. also..... THE WHOLE RING! Instead of making a big blank map space like Forge World, they should give us the whole ring to use, that way we won't have to deal with 10 9 8 7 6 5 deathzones. Also they could hide hundreds of billions of easter eggs, jokes, stuff like that in the ring. Ooh and we should be able to add terminals (and skulls for that matter) and create the text in our own terminals (Keep It Clean) And while I'm taking all this time I have an issue. In Halo Reach when you're on a map in the bottom left corner by your mini map it says the area of the map. "Blue Hallway" for example, is on the map Zealot. The issue with Forge World is that no matter where you go on the maps it only says the big areas, Lagoon, Quarry, Canyon, Island, or Spire. You should be able to change those and add an area marker. Thanks for listening.
  12. I always seem to get games where people take up all 16 characters for their GamerTag (xxxXXxjayblahblahloosernoobxxx) and when it says something like "XXXXXXXXXXXXxxstupidnewb sniped xxxxjwlasdoijtl" and there are things like that, it takes up about half of my 60 inch screen, and I can't see where ANYONE is behind it (terrible when I'm a sniper) so I definitely think it should be ONE line rather than THREE or have (like you said) Service Tag, symbol such as sniper medal or headshot medal, and not make it take up SO MUCH of the screen. This is a wonderful idea, and I hope they adopt something like this either in HR, or in future Halo games. Great idea, wonderful post, thank you.
  13. I am very very nearly Brigadier, and I'm so excited for the Mk VI Helmet When I saw it unlock I chanted like a monk
  14. You make a great point, Halo 2 had this feel to it, it was and is this game that when you're playing it you just feel pure epicness and while I do feel that a little with Reach, you're right in saying that Halo 3 was way off and Reach didn't quite nail it. Halo: CE is getting this remake because, you're correct, it is a classic, everyone knows it and it defined the FPS. But while Halo: CE defined the FPS for campaign, Halo 2 DEFINED MATCHMAKING. It was one of if not the first games to even offer a matchmade system, and created the template for all XBOX Live shooters (and may I say all online shooters) to create matchmaking systems. 343 could create a remake by adding new graphics, new engine, new armour, more medals, a more polished online experience, and fixing certain bugs in the campaign. I don't think it's a good idea to say "this game didn't really do much for history, so they're not going to redo it" I think anything is possible and if 343 really is invested in Halo then they should commit to making a new version of the game that got millions of people's attention. Plus it would be flippin' sweeeeet to see the Arbiter and Tartarus fight it out in HD graphics
  15. Why didn't Bungie like Halo 2? I loved that game, everyone loved that game, I thought Bungie made it to put everything that they couldn't put into CE on there?
  16. I'm most excited about Damnation. I played this map on Halo: CE PC and it was freakin' awesome then (and this was AFTER playing Halo 3) Now it just looks godly. 343 I might not like the Title Update to Reach, but what you are doing with CE is just godly. Thank you for making these maps look so beautiful.
  17. Excited more for H:CE:A than I am Halo 4

    1. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      I hear ya man! Personally I want them both......now!


  18. Hello, this is James, Spartan XX7 [REDACTED] My online handle is SterkOks (surely if you see this it is me, unless someone copykittied me) and that name translates from Hungarian as Strong Axe. A navem Sterk Oks. Place of Birth: Sol, 3, North America, USA, Michigan DOB: 29/04/xxxx Interests: Being awesome, playing Halo, playing guitar, chilling with good buds. I LOVE HEAVY METAL. This is a fact you must know about me. My top five bands are Pantera, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Judas Priest, and Amon Amarth. I like retro metal, and a few songs here and there from more recent times but surely if it's 80's I'll like it. I got into Halo when a friend of my brothers gave him (my brother) his old copy of Halo 2. This was a few years before 3 came out, and I didn't like the game at first, simply because they nerfed so much that it wasn't fun to play. But as I started to play the campaign more and more I realized that it was a really fun game. It's sort of a funny story that when Halo 3 first came out I didn't want to play it because I thought that it was stupid, but I really enjoyed the second one. There used to be a store up here called iZone where all the nerds would go to play WoW (mostly) but they also had an XBOX and that was the first time I was exposed to Halo 3. I was shocked that there were Brutes in the first level (it did not occur to me that the Elites were friendly) and I was also freaked out by the bubble shield. I was in the start menu and I hit X, not knowing that it would deploy something that looked like a grenade.... Then the brute ran into the shield.... [for the record I FAILED at playing that mission, but hey, it was my first time] Then I rented the game, and after that convinced my mom to buy me it, and had been playing the campaign for the longest time. Then for Christmas 2009 my mom got me Halo 3: ODST and XBOX Live. Yay. Ever since then I have been playing Halo and loving it, being a fanboy even. I went to a midnight launch party for Halo: Reach, of which I bought (or my mom bought) Legendary Edition, simply because FIRE!!!!!! FLAMING HELMET!!!!! YES!!!!! Now in my room you will find a 60 inch TV, a dresser, and a Halo Shrine. In my 4 years of Halo I have played all the games, read the Halo Encyclopedia, done every easter egg, gotten nearly every skull (thanks a lot mission one of Halo Wars), read every terminal, gotten most the achievements, and loved every moment of it. I also designed the ideas for several stories of my own creation based on Halo, like for example a few machinima (never got off the ground), an idea for a story called Halo: Sanghelios, which was the events of Reach up to Halo 3 from the perspective of Rtas 'Vadumee and Thel 'Vadmee. That's basically my whole Halo story, ask me any questions you have and I'll be happy to answer and please, please, for the love of god, don't be an idiot. Thank you very much.
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