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Veer Zamamai

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Everything posted by Veer Zamamai

  1. I enjoy playing Big Team Battle and Clan Matches on changed variants of Bungie-made maps. Such examples as Renegade and Utopie. I would like to try these some time, as Community-made maps usually excel that of their original.
  2. This sounds interesting and all, but I only know strategies and callouts for Bungie-made Big Team Battles. Could we organise one of these "team" 8v8 with my planet? Also there better be a damn Wraith! Seriously, please get back to me and we'll be happy to verse one of your "countries".
  3. Google's search has nothing to do with Aurora Cygnus. It has gone; and so, no aid has been offered again.
  4. The tallest ever Sangheili was Xytan 'Jar Wattinree at 11"6', but that was thought to be because of his huge ceremonial headdress and may have readjusted the settings of his Hologram or wore elevated boots to make him look taller. Regardless, he is a lot taller than R'tas and Thel, alongside Ripa and Fal. It is very clear that they would not be the same height. Are you the same height on Earth? Sangheili are naturally tall, just like the Unggoy are naturally small. Different races will vary in size, they won't be the same and look the same.
  5. Indeed, I absolutely adore the Sangheili race. I couldn't agree more, the creators of Halo always have kept it authentic.
  6. I have not even pre-ordered my Halo 4 Limited Edition yet, which is shocking for me. I usually pre-order my Halos a lot earlier, like when possible. Serious question: where is the best place in the UK to pre-order Halo 4 from? Thanks.
  7. Essentially, I have always thought Bungie could have done more with the graphics on Halo, as I hope 343 Industries do. They have always retained a cartoon-effect and a non-serious gaming experience for the most part. Don't get me wrong, Halo is, and always will be, the best gaming franchise out there and I have enjoyed the graphics over the years, but I have always thought that they could have done more with it. It would have been better if they incorporated the Halo War's cut-scene graphics into the actual franchise. Despite all that has been said, I believe a huge change in the graphical content wouldn't do Halo a great deal of good. I mean, we have been used to this sort of graphics for over ten years, so changing it would take Halo out of Halo. I have enjoyed the past ten years and I hope to have another prosperous ten years. I can only hope that they return Halo to the way it is meant to be, with the newbies at the bottom and the pros at the top; without stupid aim assist and unfair armour abilities. They really need to incorporate dedicated servers for the swordsmen and women among us. I hate being killed by newbies, which is completely the opposite when I play Halo 3. Alas, I believe Halo has a lot of room for improvement; and so, too much improvement would ruin the franchise we love, but a little would help here and there.
  8. I hope this Hurricane is nothing too serious and I hope no-one is harmed during its course. My Supercarrier was stationed over Louisiana and we have repositioned our flagship to a more suitable location a few hundred thousand feet above the chosen destination. Our Bridge Officers will be on station to supply us with news updates on the situation and we have Special Operation Lances ready to be of assistance. Good luck, and good hunting!
  9. Three things. One, the fifties that are playing Halo 3 right now are garbage, they've got nothing on the Pros who played Halo 3 in its prime. Secondly, an average Big Team Battle clan match takes approximately seven minutes with a quick execution and an organised battle plan. Thirdly, a wide range of vehicles require skill, which you may not know about. It takes skill to make a Wraith Mortar hit a moving vehicle, alongside the Revenant. It also takes a skilled driver to avoid said mortars and a skilled gunner to wade off oncoming forces. Vehicles take more skill than you realise, and when have you ever seen an Invasion/War/Battle without vehicles? Did the mighty Covenant use vehicles? I think you find they did.
  10. Anyone you say? How about Pyro UK? That Guerrilla? arben550? Rha Morkute and SNIPE VIPER123? They have 2.00 K/D or above and all they play is MLG. If you are so "cocky" and sure about this victory, play us and we shall soon see.
  11. So now you refuse my challenge? Intriguing, I see how it is. My "Specialised" team where very excited. Your loss.
  12. A coward? Interesting, I see how it is. Please contact me over Xbox Live: x Paarthurnax x
  13. Scared? Not at all. The way it works is that you give me an answer and then my gamertag will be supplied; I can see that you're wasting my time here.
  14. Gamebattles thrives on competition and is for people who enjoy playing Major League Gaming-orientated gameplay. I do not see a Big Team Battle GB section. Secondly, asking random people would be going on to matchmaking and asking players that are alone to play us; are you assuming that you and your clan are random players? I will reveal my gamertag only when you accept the match. Do not waste my time with talk.
  15. It has been made abundantly clear that you do not understand that there are Big Team Battle clan. We request an 8v8, do you accept?
  16. We're a BTB clan, why would we do pointless Gamebattles?
  17. You may have misunderstood me; my clan is a BTB and Invasion-orientated clan. We would LIKE an 8v8 or a 6v6.
  18. You do realise you can bring eight players from the other teams to play? It's a clan match not a team match so you can use whoever you want.
  19. Would you like a clan match today at 4:00pm Eastern Standard Time? It will have to be a 6v6 or an 8v8.
  20. We already have a few matches around that time frame on Friday. How about today at the same time?
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