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Veer Zamamai

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Everything posted by Veer Zamamai

  1. I would like to die fighting, and that is what I intend to do.

    1. Spyro


      An honorable death in battle is much prefered to growing old and possibly useless.

    2. KyoKusagani1999


      And that's what separates the Warriors from the Whelps.

      Even though it would seem ideal to give in, never die until you accomplish something

    3. Veer Zamamai

      Veer Zamamai

      No, for dying is completing your part within the Great Journey which is accomplishing what you have been set.

  2. I would like a match today and I am accepting ANY matches. I can do it any time this afternoon, so please post here with your contact details and the time you would like to do it. They will be friendly scrimmages. Thanks.
  3. Yeah, that really sucks. However, I think we might find the Watermelons and their seeds in the Nether Strongholds and in an abandoned Mineshaft somewhere. I think it's unfair how we have to restart a world every time a new update comes out.
  4. You seem to have an excellent set-up here, and I honour you for having varied knowledge of the Sangheili ranking system. I myself am in a fleet already, called the Fleet of Righteous Jurisdiction, led by an excellent Banshee pilot. I would ask that a meeting is set up with our Legion's Commander as our Imperial Admiral is temporarily on holiday. First off, a clan match will be required to test your strength; we ONLY make alliances with those who can match our strength. How does today sound? You can arrange the time and such. It will be an 8v8 and vehicles will be used. Thank you for your time, Major 'Verassee
  5. Excellent, thank you. I would imagine that they would include it in the update; they'll most likely update all of the game and your Xbox which will, subsequently, update your worlds generating them. This is probably the same with the computer; you don't need to join or start a new server to be able to have these incorporated into your world. I don't think they'd make you create another world for another update. Only time can tell, we will see shortly.
  6. I have to ask: with the new update that is coming out soon unveiling Watermelons and Watermelon seeds, will we need to create a new world for them to be generated into the wildlife? I know this had to happen with Clay, but one of my friends had clay on his very first world so I am confused. Could someone please clarify this please, as my friends and I are incredibly confused.
  7. Okay, so I haven't been here in so long so I don't know whether the match is on or not. Would it be okay if the match is tomorrow at 5:00pm or 7:00pm Eastern Standard Time? We can't do it at 6:00pm EST as we already have a match scheduled. I'm afraid it will have to be a 6v6 or an 8v8; 8v8 preferred. Please get back to me as soon as possible please, so that we can get this match under way.
  8. We had a very nice clan match today; one of the greatest I have had in a long while. Please thank BadKid312 for this.
  9. As a majority of their clan has joined into us as a result of a merge, I would like to offer my sincerest apologies for the inconvenience; I would welcome a clan match sometime soon. As a result of our large numbers, we can only offer a 6v6 upwards. A 4v4 can be arranged if it is absolutely necessary. It will have to be an MLG gametype against our team. Please contact: x Paarthurnax x
  10. I have already contacted you via your "Clan Battle" thread. I would like an 8v8 clan match at approximately 6:00PM Eastern Standard Time. ~Major 'Verassee
  11. I would love a clan battle, however, it cannot happen tonight. We already have eleven scheduled today, so it will have to be another day. How does tomorrow sound, at 6:00PM Eastern Standard Time?
  12. Why does my One Shot commendation, which is maximum third keep switching with my Close Quarters, maximum second? They switched from one matchmaking game to the next.
  13. I personally feel that this Sniper looks like it is going to replace Reach's unskilled Sniper and be the Halo 3's skilled Sniper. In some of the MLG gameplay and original gameplay that I have seen, the Sniper looks more like Halo 3's style play. It looks very skilled and hard to use which I feel is great. I hate Reach's Sniper, and everyone who suggests they are excellent with it. Stupid wretched aim assist.
  14. Greetings, I am Veer 'Kai Zamamee; General within the Fleet of Righteous Jurisdiction. We are in the middle of a War Campaign at the moment which means we are challenging every single clan out there and imprinting a stain on their clan which will not erase easily. We are NOT afraid to battle anyone and we will do so accordingly. Dare challenge us? Please continue to do so. Contact: -Nuclear Oasis -Alieus Straxus -Emperor Iakusee -x Paarthurnax x Do not be afraid to face us, cowards.
  15. Oh, well that does simplify the problem. Also, I apologize if I am lacking in knowledge at the moment; I went on holiday.
  16. Putting this aside, please get some members online and I would like to do the match.
  17. There are those great, then there are the gods.

  18. Well I need a heads-up of what is happening here. Is the merge going forward?
  19. That was a great holiday, now for some seriousness.

  20. Please quote where I stated that every clan is "BS".
  21. Are you mentally challenged? Halo Wars requires mental power not physical. It revolves around making tactical choices not playing the game yourself. We'll do them all on Reach. Hurry up and get on, forget your lame excuses.
  22. Interesting, but I highly doubt that this clan is a serious and a mature clan. Come on, with a name like "The Dino Destroyers" I don't think anyone will. Anyhow, it won't last much longer; not after we destroy them.
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