NOTE: I'm not sure if this has already been covered anywhere, but I didn't have time to have a look through our archives so I going to put it up here.
Okay, so my warriors and I were doing some research; scanning the environment and searching for things around and through the missions, and we believe we found something interesting. So interesting, that we spent thirty minutes here, securing and defending this information. We were shocked if anything...that we were so blind as to not notice this before. I was overwhelmed with excitement and fear. Until I came to my sense and spoke of it.
Guilty Spark let off quite a bit of knowledge within this Terminal, I will now reveal what he said:
"Oh, but what I would not give to have even a single company of her Prometheans here right now. Oh, they would most certainly restore order with their trademark lethality. Although, that would mean he would have to be here too, and without the Librarian around to temper his rage, well, these Reclaimers might almost prefer the Flood."
Prometheans? Many of us only knew about this at E3, few of us knew about this before. He mentions the Librarian, and hints to the Didact. Quite revolutionary, aye? Seems there's is more to it after all.
I would welcome your thoughts on this.