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Veer Zamamai

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Everything posted by Veer Zamamai

  1. Your theories are incorrect. However, the closeness of your assumptions are staggering. I do, however, believe that a Prophet would be guarded by a significantly large force, in which there seems to be none. The evidence is inconclusive. Quite mystifying, quite so indeed. Berootoo! Unshruk itsuri enkemp azuk montos...
  2. Negative, she is in admittance to rampancy. It is per protocol. All Artificial Intelligence's were designed to be terminated after eight years...their expiry date. It would be exponential if it was to be overcame. Who knows...only time will tell, indeed so.
  3. It is only when my warriors and I monitored these terminals, that we found this.
  4. It seems not. As I said, only few knew about the Prometheans this way, and many knew about this after E3.
  5. Indeed, and also there was a secret terminal, dubbed "WakeUpJohn". This terminal was out on the release of the game. However, they shut down the terminal and it was nowhere to be seen after a specific date. This game holds more secrets than it is let on to be. There is certainly more within this game than the original. Quite mystifying, quite.
  6. NOTE: I'm not sure if this has already been covered anywhere, but I didn't have time to have a look through our archives so I going to put it up here. Okay, so my warriors and I were doing some research; scanning the environment and searching for things around and through the missions, and we believe we found something interesting. So interesting, that we spent thirty minutes here, securing and defending this information. We were shocked if anything...that we were so blind as to not notice this before. I was overwhelmed with excitement and fear. Until I came to my sense and spoke of it. Guilty Spark let off quite a bit of knowledge within this Terminal, I will now reveal what he said: "Oh, but what I would not give to have even a single company of her Prometheans here right now. Oh, they would most certainly restore order with their trademark lethality. Although, that would mean he would have to be here too, and without the Librarian around to temper his rage, well, these Reclaimers might almost prefer the Flood." Prometheans? Many of us only knew about this at E3, few of us knew about this before. He mentions the Librarian, and hints to the Didact. Quite revolutionary, aye? Seems there's is more to it after all. I would welcome your thoughts on this.
  7. Wow, that truly is fantastic. They all looks so real and really, really detailed.
  8. There's still a chance reading that quote. Who know's what technology they have now. It is five hundred years in front of us. They probably recovered his body, as the motto goes: Never leave a man behind.
  9. The Jiralhanae are a filthy and disgusting race of apes. They disgust me and I wish I could slaughter every man, woman and child of their race. They would be better off extinct, out of everybody's way.
  10. One zoom? Shocks, that's disappointing. I hope they improve that or the other scopes will improve that, such as variable scope.
  11. Wow, those are absolutely amazing! A fantastic creation, top marks.
  12. I lol'd so hard after seeing your comment and it's very true by the way.
  13. That looks difficult to use. I will admit that it looks absolutely fantastic though!
  14. Yellow font is excellent and such a bold and shiny colour. It's just amazing. Like the sun.
  15. Welcome to this fantastic community forum, I am very pleased that you chose us as your forum. If you require any assistance with anything at all, please contact the wonderful people that hop around from time to time. Have an enjoyable stay.
  16. An interesting introduction you have there. Welcome to the site, and thank you for choosing us as your community forum. If you need any help feel free to ask anyone on the site via the Personal Messenger. I hope you enjoy your stay.
  17. Okay, so I'm thinking this is going to wreck sword fighting for the Sangheili community. On the other hand, it would be extremely awesome to see a Sangheili running towards you with two energy swords. I'm not completely convinced, it is rather balanced. I would like to see it for some reasons and I wouldn't like to see it for others.
  18. Three thousand posts? Three grand? 3000 posts? Holy, sweet night mother. You must have deformed fingers by now, seriously. Congratulations on the mass amount of posts Biggles', only a God could get past that milestone.
  19. May your body drop and break as if it is ice!

  20. Many of the species looks different. An example of this would be the Sangheili. The scales on their arms have been brought out more. You can see rough spots and the rough surface of the skin. In previous instalments you could not see this and they just looked like human skin. I find the changes a lot better and I think they will benefit Halo for the greater.
  21. I said this once before and I will say it again. You cannot destroy an infection, or a parasite. It can be defeated but not permanently eradicated. It will always be around. You can destroy the host forms but it will only infect more hosts. As a result of this, the parasite will never be permanently eradicated. Never. It will always come back, as the same thing or as another thing. Therefore, the parasite can always be in every game for every reason.
  22. The only thing that has changed is their armour configuration. It is just like the humans starting scientific research like they did so long ago. They are an independent species', it is about time they started doing things for themselves.
  23. Extremely please that you are back. Good to see you changed your mind and settled what needed to be settled.
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