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Veer Zamamai

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Posts posted by Veer Zamamai

  1. I am very interested in doing an 8v8 clan match. However, the match, if we are to do one, will be held on Halo: Reach. Halo 4 is an horrendous game to do clan matches on and it is physically impossible to run a successful clan with such little resources. If you want to play us on reach then I'd be more than happy to oblige and so one up accordingly. Please get back to me regarding this challenge, lest you fall amongst the cowards who refuse to fight for the control of Reach.


    -Ultra Veer 'Zamamai

  2. I would also like to invite you to battle us on Halo: Reach. I am Ultra Veer 'Zamamai of the Blades of Transcendence and I am currently scouting for any battles. It doesn't seem as though clans want to battle us. However, we would be more than happy to do a 4v4 upwards. We will have a Special Operation Lance execute the mission. Please get back to me regarding this transmission.
  3. Greetings, Garr. It is nice to see you once again. I hope your Fleet is running smoothly, it should be by now, shouldn't it? Do you have a link to your website, I would like to sign-up as an Ambassador. If you ever need any help with anything, you know where to find me.


    Yours sincerely



  4. Halo 4 is a dead game. All the BTB pros and most of the semi-pro MLG players have returned to Halo: Reach and Reach is becoming more popular by the month. All the Sangheili clans are returning to Halo: Reach, some of the greatest BTB teams are returning and some Spartan clans are returning. I hated Halo 4 because of its easy gameplay, its excessive power-weapon-around-every-corner spam and the lack of Sangheili. For me, playing Halo isn't fun any more which is why I went back to Reach. I was just so disappointed...
  5. I cordially invite any clans to battle the Blades of Transcendence Fleet in a best of three Halo: Reach clan match. You may choose whether it is a 4v4, 6v6 Invasion, 7v7 or 8v8. You may choose the following maps:

    4v4: Any within the MLG circuit.

    6v6 Invasion: Boneyard, Spire, Breakpoint and any custom made maps.

    7v7 and 8v8: Hemorrhage, Paradiso, Spire, Boneyard and custom made maps.

    I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.


  6. Greetings, my name is Veer 'Kai Zamamai; Ultra of the Blades of Transcendence Fleet; an all Sangheili clan on Halo: Reach. With Halo 4 being such a bad game, many fans have come back on to Halo: Reach and have re-initiated past clans to give them another go on the returning instalment. Same here. This Fleet is comprised ofsix divisions, with over twenty ranks.


    There are some restrictions though, we are a Sangheili Fleet and we are full with tenacious, competent and able warriors and we enjoy doing everything that is related and revolved around Halo. We also enjoy playing on other games. However, these do not count as clan matches or events. As of today, our Fleet abides by the seven virtues and follow them attentively. We have skilled divisions with skilled division leaders, as well as mature commanders.

    Like many Sangheili clans we have the canon Sangheili ranks which can be seen in the Halo Campaigns, but we also run under an Loyalist. It does not matter what knowledge level you have, as you can easily learn the easy way by listening to what we have to say, or take the scenic yet easier way and look here: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page


    Our training sessions thoroughly improve our warriors as we have some fantastic trainers which will get you up to scratch in no time. We also enjoy doing raids, the more the better, whichever side; opposing or defending.

    We aren't serious, we don't do MLG. It is just like creating a sport for Xbox, truly pathetic. True, many did say that Sangheili weren't going to penetrate Halo 4's defences, but they could be added in in the future, which is most likely unlikely; however, there is speculation that they will be included in Halo 5, as it is a new console with more space, opening more doors.



    What we offer:



    > Competitive ranking system.

    > Great friends and companions.

    > Matchmaking.

    > Custom games & Forge.

    > Training sessions.

    > Mature commanders and officers.

    > Raids (Capturing and defending).

    > Mature opinions and votes.

    > Chances to become what you want.

    > Opportunity to improve at Halo and to become a better player.

    > The ability to gain additional knowledge about the Halo universe.

    > Fun-loving team-mates that will support you and help you in any way possible.

    > We have a good sense of humour, so it isn't always serious...

    > Vacation and recreational time in which you can spend in whichever manner suits you.

    > The ability to join something and become a part of a everlasting legacy.






    > Must have mature and respectful attitude towards superiors.

    > Must have a sense of humour.

    > Must be Lt. Colonel or above (Can be wavered).

    > Must play Halo regularly.

    > Must play with the clan regularly.

    > Must not be affiliated with another clan.

    > Must wear fleet uniform and fleet emblem whilst with the clan.

    > Must have some knowledge of discipline and respect, honour and loyalty.

    > Must be of 13 or above years of age (Can be wavered).

    > Must be able to listen and adhere to orders given by superiors.




    Example Ranks />Infantry Battalion:


    - Minor Cadet

    - Minor

    - Minor Veteran

    - Major

    - Major Veteran

    - Field Officer

    - Ultra

    - General


    Contact Details:


    Imperial Admiral; Kerzon 'Xydosai


    Ultras; Veer 'Zamamai & Ozaku 'Xydosai


    Major Veterans; Nuka 'Zar Eqtoee & Keno 'Kasamee


    Thank you for reading this, and considering YOUR placement within our Fleet; whether you want to show your democratic skills or your commanding skills, to your piloting skills or the ability to guard something well, your skills will be well appreciated in this fleet, whatever they are. We do disciplinary training for those who need it and for those who fail in their line of combat. This may seem pointless, but it gets our warriors disciplined so they know not to fail next time. On top of this, we have combat training on one of our training grounds. Here, we train our warriors to become the best at what they do. This fleet has plenty to do, and if you want to become better, this is the place to do it.

    If you would like more information, on how to join to fill your curious minds, PM me or post back to this thread, with your gamertags and in full detail why you would like to join. Of-course, you can just message the linked gamertags for quicker responses. Thank you.


    Hope to see you on the battlefield warriors!


    - Strength & Honour


    "All Shall Fade..."


    ~Veer 'Kai Zamam

  7. I cordially invite any clans to battle the Blades of Transcendence Fleet in a best of three Halo: Reach clan match. You may choose whether it is a 4v4, 6v6 Invasion, 7v7 or 8v8. You may choose the following maps:


    4v4: Any within the MLG circuit.


    6v6 Invasion: Boneyard, Spire, Breakpoint and any custom made maps.


    7v7 and 8v8: Hemorrhage, Paradiso, Spire, Boneyard and custom made maps.


    I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.



  8. I cordially invite any clans to battle the Blades of Transcendence Fleet in a best of three Halo: Reach clan match. You may choose whether it is a 4v4, 6v6 Invasion, 7v7 or 8v8. You may choose the following maps:


    4v4: Any within the MLG circuit.


    6v6 Invasion: Boneyard, Spire, Breakpoint and any custom made maps.


    7v7 and 8v8: Hemorrhage, Paradiso, Spire, Boneyard and custom made maps.


    I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.



  9. Gladly.


    You can DMR someone from across the map in under two seconds; unskilled. There are way too many power-weapons, and nearly everyone walks around with power-weapons in matchmaking; unskilled. There is hardly any bloom...on anything; unskilled. There are biased ordinance drops which supply you with the option of three simultaneous overpowered objects; unskilled. There are way too many vehicles on the map, and the BTB maps are unfairly structured; unskilled. It is a COD friendly game as any noob can now use a DMR and a BR well; unskilled.


    On Reach, this was possible but unlikely. On Halo 3, them noobs be playing Call of Duty.

  10. 1. I never said that KSI was a Clan. Derp

    2. Nobody fears a **** talking child as yourself. Derp

    3. A repeat of #2


    You said we would have a worse reputation than KSI which is not possible as they are a community. Have you heard about reading between the lines? I guess you have not. Once again, supply me with accurate evidence of me being a child rather than supplying random, childish assumptions without physical evidence. FAIL!

  11. Upgrade to Halo 4 and we will accept your challenge. And if you beat us, so what. It's a game. It's a game that YOU take way to serious. And thats probably why he called you a child. Keep acting the way you do to people, and your clan is going to have a lower rep than KSI.


    I have three reasons why that would never happen. One, clans fear ours due to our mass superiority on the field. Secondly, they're a gaming community not a clan. Derp. Third of all, we're organised unlike the majority of the community and KSI as a whole.


    Point invalid, case closed. Have a nice day.

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