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Veer Zamamai

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Posts posted by Veer Zamamai

  1. I was also a former member of the FORJ and it has to be the number 2 fleet of the Elite Community so... Besides the Soveirgn Guard Nuclear Oasis's fleet has to be the best out there...


    Sovereign Guard are no longer active, not very anyway. When Halo 4 comes out, they will be leaving it and joining a "Forerunner community". Then there is the Crusading Spirit, who have been losing members but Xzan's building them back up.

  2. This thread is about stop creating unorganized clans not "my clan is so badass we never lose" or "I never heard of your clan it must suck"


    You should be posting helpful suggestions about large organized communities for people to see


    I was answering questions if you were reading.

  3. How many tournament wins does your clan have? How about a website? Where are it's forums? Where is your clan logo? Where is the clans Youtube channel? Whay about it's web store and facebook?


    There are no major tournaments for Big Team Battle clans; however, if you are meaning clan battles then that would be 34 - 0 currently. Secondly, we have a website, and forums relating to our clan. We have a YouTube account with clan battle victories under our old banner, and we will be uploading new ones. Web stores and Facebook? Both are incredibly unnecessary.

  4. So you are telling me that you take your group that plays together all the time into matchmaking and win nearly every match against unorganized teams of random people? I am awestruck by your skill level.


    Have you seen how many "un-organised" teams play Big Team Battle? There are teams like King Chameleon's and Spirit Bombs' who have good teams. Not every game if filled with scrubs; it usually tends to match teams with teams.

  5. You take note of everymatch you lose, that must be quite a novel you have going.

    Also that yellow text is damn near impossible to read on the mobile version of the site.


    I would not call in a Novel, considering we hardly ever lose on matchmaking. I'd say twice every fifty to sixty games we play with an average task-force.

  6. Ok, cryo, stop replying to souls, and souls, stop arguing only a few people know your clans and that's that, let people believe what they want to believe and for the record, I did face you and I did thrash your score in BTB.


    As I said, and I'll repeat it for you. Send us a link on Halo Waypoint to back up your claims. I have never seen anyone with your gamertag in matchmaking, and those that beat us I note. Your words mean nothing, so a link would be greatly appreciated; unless you're lying, which I know you are.

  7. Ok? thats great but i have a life outside of xbox so no i dont play games like that. Before you start calling me out like that. Learn first. Enjoy your life cause your wasting it


    Not necessarily wasting my life as, if I was off it, I would have nothing to do. I have an excellent life, thank you for inquiring.

  8. no cause im not a child who takes his clan like its a real thing. its a video game. get a life and stop pretending like Elites are a real fleet.


    We all know it's a game which means that none of it will ever exist in our lifetime, which is why we roleplay and do all of this. By doing this, we get a greater experience out of playing the game. Oh look at me, I'm boring, I'll do the Campaign and waste two years playing matchmaking, alone.

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  9. hes just to hungry from battles. plus its a game. not a real life thing. and since ive never heard of them whats the point of trying


    Are you in the roleplaying clan community? Are you in the BTB community? Are you in the Sangheili community? No, then you will not have heard of us.


    I think you just proved his point. The most important thing is that there is a fun new Halo multiplayer to play. Whether you are playing as a spartan or as an elite should not affect the war games experience. If they got rid of elites and kept spartans the multiplayer would be just as fun to me except that the story that they are trying to push would make far less sense.


    I wish people would stop complaining about the elites. It is one thing to do it a year from launch provided you give good valuable points (which most elite supporters do), but complaining now isn't going to accomplish anything and is just ranting for the sake of ranting. Now after Halo 4 is released and Twam makes a Halo 5 forum... then it would be good.



    I agree; however, I would be damned if I just sat here and allowed him to insult my Fleet and I.

  10. Lol. Thanks for this. But to be completely honest I'd never heard of anybody he just mentioned. And how does anyone know who's the best banshee pilot or the best wraith pilot? Even if thy were that's only one item on a whole agenda that makes up a game. I mean look how many weapons halo 4 has. You may say someone is the best at something but you honestly don't know that for sure. And even if you did know the best DMR user in the world, there's still the carbine and the battle rifle.


    My point is skill at some level is all a matter of opinion. And recognition only goes as far as you're into it. Let me double check my post to make sure I'm not coming off as a moron...


    Yep that's what I thought. I was only speaking to these forum members just on what I've personally seen. Not to get into it again but I have a life outside of this. I'm just basing opinion off of what I've read from member posts and halo service records I've looked up.


    Keeping it friendly first and foremost. Arguing isn't a road I want to go down.


    Very easily actually. HaloTracker stores it and then you can play the best and see if you better his skill, and also by never losing and constantly beating clans and teams and people in the Wraith, Sniper and Banshee.


    Totally agree with that. He uses his "clan" as an excuse for sucking. Me and him faced off online and guess who won. Easily.


    Do you have the link to the game? No. I haven't played you, let alone lost to you. The game never happened. You can keep on chatting gas. XD


    Die Hard Gaming has over 15,000 members


    We have squads in halo, battlefield,and Call of Duty


    We only accept mature and respectful gamers


    We have community wide tournaments with prizes


    We have no allies or clan wars


    Your 6 people clans that try to start wars with people make me laugh


    Yet you guys refuse clan battles? You have over 10,000 people but cannot requisition a Task Force to face us. That makes no sense. Also, it's quality of quantity, not a collection of five year old players playing.


    In reference to incompetent souls? I heard he talked mad smack but I didn't assume anything. I figured someone had played them already.


    And a reply to you, no-one has sent me an invite or a message requesting a 1v1. So...

  11. Again...




    Did it ever occur to you that, 1) I dont battle you because I don't have a clan,

    And 2) because I can't be stuffed dealing with the likes of you I have better ways of using my time. Also if you would like to think back, I faced you in a game of slayer and guess what. I thrashed your score. All you would think of doing is hiding behind your own team so u could survive


    Well when you are crating recruitment threads, then it occurs it to me.

  12. It depends on the scenario, if it was a straight up tank battle the scorpion would win, but if the wraith was behind a small hill or a wall or something big enough to conceal the whole vehicle but allow wraith mortar shots to travel through, the wraith would win. They both have strategic values.


    Although I prefer the scorpion personally. I've never really been a fan of anything covenant.


    That is exactly what I said. Maybe you should read a little more about the topic?


    The wraith is easier to board and destroy


    A Wraith is very easy to kill the hijacker, especially from the front. It is actually harder than the Scorpion as it has such an agile and fast boost which will splatter all who oppose. As I have said before: the Wraith is as good as its operator

  13. I suppose you haven't heard of the Sovereign Guard and the Crusading Spirit then? Or the Sangheili Eminence and the Fleet of Righteous Jurisdiction? The Warriors of Redemption? Warriors of Sanghelios? They are not bad clans, but the best Sangheili fleets there are. They have beat Voltage, they have beat the Black Roses, they have beat Spirit Bomb's team; some of the best BTB clans/teams there are. How is this explained? They're terrible, are they? I do not think so. When you have the best Wraith operators in Canada, United States. The best Banshee pilots in Canada, United States. The best Snipers in Canada, United States. Take Boba Mandalore for example, Sovereign Guard marksman and beast at BTB sniping. Avu Med Telcam, seventh in the world in the Revenant. Alieus Straxus, best Wraith operator in Canada. Nuclear Oasis, second best with Banshee in the world. GrumpyAnimal, first in the world in swords. People think that the Sangheili community has bad players and that our community is "unknown". Then how have we won so many battles?

  14. Everyone needs to stop creating clans and start joining existing ones, if this happens then everyone with skill will not have it thrown away by some useless "leader". If people are into fun enjoyable clans/groups, find a group who is like this, if you are competitive, join a clan with a competitive basis. Do some research. Find exactly how many clans there are on xbox, I'm sure one of them will be thinking the same way as you when it comes to running a clan.


    People always have this crazy idea when they are creating a clan on a new Halo game. They think that they will make a new clan which is going to be the best on Halo, when realistically it is a clan of ten built up with five year old children. People won't ever stop creating clans as they are feeble minded and don't know what an actual clan is.

  15. You can't really complain. That's the point of the clan forums. Desperate or not that's just your opinion. Although his 27 - 0 comment came off a little cocky... He is posting in the correct forum and propositioning a challenge. Accept or don't. That's all that needs to be said.


    I'd love a challenge. I have no clan or banner or whatever but I'm always down to school someone who thinks they are good. GT is Baeztoberfest. Send me am invite and we can talk about a match.


    You can't really participate in a clan match against us without a clan or team.


    UC Clan would love to battle your team. We are regularly on and do pretty good. My gamertag is xlxlCROBARlxlx message me. My clan leader is on my friends list and his gt is UC War God. He know his stuff and wont back out from clan battles.


    Excellent! I will requisition a message immediately. Also, we aren't a team; we're a Sangheili clan.

  16. sorry but I have been requested by LocalRumble to say this page is for recruiting for our clan only,not others.


    also,you must wait for your match,for we are rebuilding our clan from the ground-up,we only have 5 members.

    Maloo,we have won 26 matches in our clan's history ; 7 recently,which is good for a recovering clan.


    I have seen better recoveries, but if that is what you consider good, then sure. Tell me when you have eight people and I will assemble a task force to battle you. Remember, it is an eight verses eight or a six verses six clan battle only.

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