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Veer Zamamai

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Everything posted by Veer Zamamai

  1. That is exactly what I said. Maybe you should read a little more about the topic? A Wraith is very easy to kill the hijacker, especially from the front. It is actually harder than the Scorpion as it has such an agile and fast boost which will splatter all who oppose. As I have said before: the Wraith is as good as its operator
  2. It is actually funny, you mock my fleet yet you will not clan match us. Keep on trash-talking kid.
  3. I suppose you haven't heard of the Sovereign Guard and the Crusading Spirit then? Or the Sangheili Eminence and the Fleet of Righteous Jurisdiction? The Warriors of Redemption? Warriors of Sanghelios? They are not bad clans, but the best Sangheili fleets there are. They have beat Voltage, they have beat the Black Roses, they have beat Spirit Bomb's team; some of the best BTB clans/teams there are. How is this explained? They're terrible, are they? I do not think so. When you have the best Wraith operators in Canada, United States. The best Banshee pilots in Canada, United States. The best Snipers in Canada, United States. Take Boba Mandalore for example, Sovereign Guard marksman and beast at BTB sniping. Avu Med Telcam, seventh in the world in the Revenant. Alieus Straxus, best Wraith operator in Canada. Nuclear Oasis, second best with Banshee in the world. GrumpyAnimal, first in the world in swords. People think that the Sangheili community has bad players and that our community is "unknown". Then how have we won so many battles?
  4. People always have this crazy idea when they are creating a clan on a new Halo game. They think that they will make a new clan which is going to be the best on Halo, when realistically it is a clan of ten built up with five year old children. People won't ever stop creating clans as they are feeble minded and don't know what an actual clan is.
  5. You can't really participate in a clan match against us without a clan or team. Excellent! I will requisition a message immediately. Also, we aren't a team; we're a Sangheili clan.
  6. I have seen better recoveries, but if that is what you consider good, then sure. Tell me when you have eight people and I will assemble a task force to battle you. Remember, it is an eight verses eight or a six verses six clan battle only.
  7. That's unfortunately, I was looking forward to decimating your clan. No matter, there will be other times.
  8. Am I going to get a reply or am I just going to get blanked?
  9. I said most of the time if you can read. I think you should look at ALL of them.
  10. That is why I asked my challenges as questions most of the time. I don't just demand.
  11. I would like an eight verses eight clan battle first to see whether they are worthy of my tutorship.
  12. I will never cease in asking people for clan battles. Why should I? We have never been defeated and can defeat any clan here. We only have weak clans here; there aren't even any good ones which is why they never get back to you about the challenge. Why don't you get a good clan, come back here and face me?
  13. I would like a clan match with KSI. Every time that I have ever asked you guys for one the offer has been rejected which is why I get the feeling that you are scared. I would like an eight verses eight clan battle, any time.
  14. I would like an 8v8 clan match today or tomorrow.
  15. You still haven't given us ours yet. I am beginning to wonder whether you are scared, ultimately. Hurry and assemble eight warriors to partake in this battle.
  16. I find it quite remarkable how you ask others for challenges; however, you will not accept mine. I grow tired of waiting for you and your clan. Assemble eight people and we shall requisite a task force to face you. Are you scared? I look forward to your reply.
  17. I would like an eight verses eight with your "Community". This shouldn't be a problem if you have over five thousand members.
  18. I would like an eight verses eight clan battle today or tomorrow depending on whether you can muster the members.
  19. I would like an eight verses eight clan battle on Halo: Reach today.
  20. This vote or discussion is pointless for the following reason: All Spartan players are going to pick Scorpion and a Sangheili/Covenant fans will pick Wraith. Everything the Spartans have is overpowered, and everything the Covenant has is underpowered; however, they have always been superior.
  21. So you are a Sangheili fleet are you? Interesting. I would like to call upon a meeting between our fleets.
  22. We already voiced our opinion a while ago: "if there are no Sangheili in Halo 4, we will simply return to previous games".
  23. This is not Halo, not at all.
  24. I have defeated the Scorpion many times with the Wraith. As I quoted recently: "the Wraith is only as good as it operated".
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